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Build Status

Spring MVC app in preparation for a collaborative PWA experiment. Current test application makes heavy usage of autowiring.

Run with:

# Gradle installation > 4.0
gradle clean build bootRun

# Use built-in Gradle:
gradlew clean build bootRun

# Application now served at http:https://localhost:8080/


  1. Collaborative, cell-based jupyter-like markdown editor.
    • Users can collaborate on the content, styling, and metadata.
    • Can export to markdown, asciidoc, html, etc.
  2. Dungon Management System.
    • Text and Audio Chat over WebRTC.
    • Log of events that can be exported for long-distance games.
    • Inventory, spell, status management system for players.
    • Catalogue of items, spells, monsters for reference.
  3. Social Media Network.
    • Users can login and post things.
    • Posts appear on a collective timeline.
    • Users can chat with one another.


  1. Spring MVC w/Gradle from Scratch
  2. CI with Gradle and Travis
  3. Spring MVC Example
  4. Front-End: using React with Spring
  5. Synchronized clients using Java API WebSockets and STOMP with Spring Controllers
  6. Search for HTTP KeepAlive solution.
  7. Stripe payments API.



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