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Benchmark improvements - guess a good batchsize, target a threshold c…
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…oefficient of variation of a rolling window mean (attempt to find a stable set of measurements)
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cyanogilvie committed Jan 30, 2020
1 parent e9cf808 commit 2f09f51
Showing 1 changed file with 128 additions and 32 deletions.
160 changes: 128 additions & 32 deletions bench/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ proc _make_stats times { #<<<
dict set res harmonic_mean [/ [llength $times] [+ {*}[lmap time $times {
/ 1.0 $time
dict set res cv [expr {[dict get $res population_stddev] / [dict get $res arithmetic_mean]}]

Expand All @@ -119,17 +120,27 @@ proc bench {name desc args} { #<<<
variable skipped
variable output

# -target_cv - Run until the coefficient of variation is below this, up to -max_time
# -max_time - Maximum number of seconds to keep running while the cv is converging
# -min_time - Keep accumulating samples for at least this many seconds
# -batch - The number of samples to take in a tight loop and average to count as a single sample. "auto" guesses a reasonable value to make a batch take at least 1000 usec.
# -window - Consider at most the previous -window measurements for target_cv and the results
array set opts {
-setup {}
-compare {}
-cleanup {}
-batch 100
-batch auto
-match exact
-returnCodes {ok return}
-target_cv {0.02}
-min_time 0.0
-max_time 4.0
-min_it 30
-window 30
array set opts $args
set badargs [lindex [_intersect3 [array names opts] {
-setup -compare -cleanup -batch -match -result -returnCodes
-setup -compare -cleanup -batch -match -result -returnCodes -target_cv -min_time -max_time -min_it -window
}] 0]

if {[llength $badargs] > 0} {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,46 +170,111 @@ proc bench {name desc args} { #<<<

# Measure the instrumentation overhead to compensate for it
set start [clock microseconds] ;# Prime [clock microseconds], start var
set times {}
set script [apply $make_script $opts(-batch) list]
for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
set start [clock microseconds]
uplevel 1 [list if 1 $script]
lappend times [- [clock microseconds] $start]
set overhead [::tcl::mathfunc::min {*}[lmap e $times {expr {$e / double($opts(-batch))}}]]
#apply $output debug [format {Overhead: %.3f usec} $overhead]

set variant_stats {}

_run_if_set $opts(-setup)
try {
dict for {variant script} $opts(-compare) {
set times {}
set it 0
set begin [clock microseconds]

set hint [lindex [time {
catch {uplevel 1 $script} r o
}] 0]
if {[info exists opts(-result)]} {
set start [clock microseconds]
catch {uplevel 1 [list if 1 $script]} r o
lappend times [- [clock microseconds] $start]
incr it
_verify_res $variant $normalized_codes $opts(-result) $opts(-match) $r $o

set bscript [apply $make_script $opts(-batch) $script]
while {[llength $times] < 10 || [- [clock microseconds] $begin] < 500000} {
set single_empty {
catch {uplevel 1 [list if 1 {}]}
set single_ex_s {
catch {uplevel 1 [list if 1 $script]}
if 1 $single_empty ;# throw the first away
if 1 $single_ex_s ;# throw the first away

set single_overhead [lindex [time $single_empty 1000] 0]
puts stderr "single overhead: $single_overhead"

# Verify the first result against -result (if given), and estimate an appropriate batchsize to target a batch time of 1 ms to reduce quantization noise <<<
set est_it [expr {
max(1, int(round(
puts stderr "hint: $hint, est_it: $est_it"
set extime [lindex [time $single_ex_s $est_it] 0]
set extime_comp [expr {$extime - $single_overhead}]
puts stderr "extime: $extime, extime comp: $extime_comp"
if {$opts(-batch) eq "auto"} {
set batch [expr {int(round(1000.0/$extime_comp))}]
puts stderr "Guessed batch size of $batch based on sample execution time $extime_comp usec"
} else {
set batch $opts(-batch)

# Measure the instrumentation overhead to compensate for it <<<
set times {}
set start [clock microseconds] ;# Prime [clock microseconds], start var
set bscript [apply $make_script $batch {}]
uplevel 1 [list if 1 $script]
puts stderr "Measure overhead time, batch: $batch: [time {
for {set i 0} {$i < int(100000 / ($batch*0.15))} {incr i} {
set start [clock microseconds]
catch {uplevel 1 [list if 1 $bscript]}
lappend times [- [clock microseconds] $start]
set overhead [::tcl::mathfunc::min {*}[lmap e $times {expr {$e / double($batch)}}]]
apply $output debug [format {Overhead: %.3f usec, mean: %.3f for batch %d} $overhead [expr {double([+ {*}$times]) / ([llength $times]*$batch)}] $batch]
# Measure the instrumentation overhead to compensate for it >>>

set cv {data { # Calculate the coefficient of variation of $data <<<
lassign [::math::statistics::basic-stats $data] \
arithmetic_mean min max number_of_data sample_stddev sample_var population_stddev population_var

expr {
$population_stddev / double($arithmetic_mean)

set begin [clock microseconds] ;# Don't count the first run time or the overhead measurement into the total elapsed time
set it 0
set times {}
set means {}
set cvmeans {}
set cvtimes {}
set elapsed 0
set bscript [apply $make_script $batch $script]
puts stderr "bscript $variant: $bscript"
# Run at least:
# - -min_it times
# - for half a second
# - until the coefficient of variability of the means has fallen below -target_cv, or a max of -max_time seconds
while {
[llength $times] < $opts(-min_it) ||
$elapsed < $opts(-min_time) ||
($elapsed < $opts(-max_time) && $cvmeans > $opts(-target_cv))
} {
set start [clock microseconds]
uplevel 1 [list if 1 $bscript]
set batchtime [- [clock microseconds] $start]
lappend times [expr {
([clock microseconds] - $start) / double($opts(-batch)) - $overhead
$batchtime / double($batch) - $overhead
set elapsed [expr {([clock microseconds] - $begin)/1e6}]
set cvtimes [lrange $times end-[+ 1 $opts(-window)] end] ;# Consider the last $opts(-window) data in estimating the variation
lappend means [expr {[+ {*}$cvtimes]/[llength $cvtimes]}]
set _cv [apply $cv $cvtimes]
set cvmeans [apply $cv [lrange $means end-[+ 1 $opts(-window)] end]]
#puts stderr "Got time for $variant batch($batch), batchtime $batchtime usec: [format %.4f [lindex $times end]], elapsed: [format %.3f $elapsed] sec[if {[info exists cvmeans]} {format {, cvmeans: %.3f} $cvmeans}][if {[info exists _cv]} {format {, cv: %.3f} $_cv}], mean: [format %.5f [lindex $means end]]"

dict set variant_stats $variant [_make_stats $times]
dict set variant_stats $variant [_make_stats $cvtimes]
dict set variant_stats $variant cvmeans $cvmeans
dict set variant_stats $variant cv [apply $cv $cvtimes]
dict set variant_stats $variant runtime $elapsed
dict set variant_stats $variant it [llength $cvtimes]

lappend run $name $desc $variant_stats
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,11 +327,15 @@ namespace eval display_bench {
set val [dict get $stats $variant $pick]
if {![info exists baseline]} {
set baseline $val
format %.3f $val
format {%.3f%s} $val [expr {
[dict exists $stats $variant cvmeans] ? [format { cv:%.2f} [dict get $stats $variant cvmeans]] : ""
} elseif {$baseline == 0} {
format x%s inf
} else {
format x%.3f [/ $val $baseline]
format {x%.3f%s} [/ $val $baseline] [expr {
[dict exists $stats $variant cvmeans] ? [format { cv:%.2f} [dict get $stats $variant cvmeans]] : ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,7 +398,6 @@ proc run_benchmarks {dir args} { #<<<
# Automatically save and compare with the previous run
set args [list {*}{
-relative last last
-save last
} {*}$args]

set i 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,11 +437,28 @@ proc run_benchmarks {dir args} { #<<<

set stats {}
foreach f [glob -nocomplain -type f -dir $dir -tails *.bench] {
uplevel 1 [list source [file join $dir $f]]
uplevel 1 [list if 1 [list source [file join $dir $f]]]

set save {{save_fn run} {
set save_data $run
if {[file readable $save_fn]} {
# If the save file already exists, merge this run's data with it
# rather than replacing it (keeps old tests that weren't executed
# in this run)
set newkeys [lmap {relname - -} $save_data {set relname}]
set old [_readfile $save_fn]
foreach {relname reldesc relstats} $old {
if {$relname in $newkeys} continue
lappend save_data $relname $reldesc $relstats
_writefile $save_fn $save_data

apply $save last $run ;# Always save as "last", even if explicitly saving as something else too
if {[info exists save_fn]} {
_writefile $save_fn $run
apply $save $save_fn $run

foreach {name desc variant_stats} $run {
Expand Down

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