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Simple Library management system to learn FastAPI with JWT token and RBAC.

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Library Management System Using FASTAPI

Library Management System

Simple Library management system to learn FastAPI

This is a simple library management system's api created using FastAPI for the endpoint, SQLAlchemy for ORM and PostgreSQL for the backend database.

How to run this code?

  1. Clone the repo and move to the file

    Clone this repo or you can download the zip file from above. To clone using terminal, go to your required file loation and open terminal there, then enter following commands.

       git clone

    This will create make a directory with name library_management_system_fastAPI. Now we need to move inside the folder, i.e

    cd library_management_system_fastAPI
  2. Create a .env file The file must follow this format

    secret_refresh = RefreshToken_secret_key
  3. Install requirements

    Run pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Run the script

    Run the script with uvicorn main:app --reload

    The --reload flag as the name suggest will watch your file for change and reload the endpoint. One of the important flag is --host that will host the endpoint to your local ip.


To know more about the endpoint and expected format you can got to localhost/docs(that is if you are hosting the api in your localhost) You can also use that swaager API docs to test the api.

Login and Authorization

I have use simple JWT token i.e Access token and Refresh token. You need to login as an librarian to get access to the access and refresh token at /login endpoint with post method with the email and password in body. Curently the access token is set to expire in 20 minutes and the refresh token is valid till about one week. Once you have sucessfully login, you need to save the both access refresh token. Once the access token expires, you need to hit the /refresh endpoint with get method and the saved refresh token as the query parameter, i.e /refresh?refreshToken=savedrefreshtoken.

In this way you can have prescistance login for a librarian.

Access the protected route/endpoints

Once you got access to the access token, you need to send it in each requests header as a bearer token. Here is a sample curl command with dummy access token.

curl -X 'GET' \
'https://localhost:8000/user/test' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySUQiOiJhZG1pbkBsbXMuY29tIiwiZXhwaXJ5IjoxNzEwMTMyMDk2LjAzODc5MX0.Hz1JLerxq8fmsDL0U82m7DU1l8e04QPIzfpJJs8jKE4'

And it will return a JSON data as

  "User": {
    "user_details": {
      "username": "Test",
      "expiry_date": "2024-04-28T00:00:00",
      "fine": 0,
      "id": 1,
      "email": "email1",
      "date_created": "2024-02-28T00:00:00",
      "address": "address",
      "phone_number": 5678910111213


  • Add option to update or remove members and books or magazines.
  • Testing
  • User login (Maybe)


This is a simple FastApi example and it is nowhere near complete, This is created with sole purpose of understanding the fast api, router and authentication using JWT token.