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by Robot Campus http:


sudo aptitude install build-essential git-core wget screen dfu-util \
    openocd python python-serial


  • BinutilsArm/: Contains all tools to compile and play with ARM architecture
  • LibMaple/: Contains libmaple source files, this is the modified fork of RobotCampus
  • LibRobotCampus/: Contains Robot Campus own helpers
  • skeleton/: A skeleton boilerplate, just copy and paste it to src/ or the name you want to create a new project (see below)
  • joypad/: contains some scripts to send commands to your robots using joypads


  • Copy skeleton/ to src/, for instance
  • Write your code in src/
  • Update the first line of if you want to add some files
  • In src/, run make to compile
  • In src/, run make install to flash your board

32-bits compatibilities

The arm binutils are 32-bits, if you are on a 64-bits system and want compatibility, you can try:

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install ia32-libs
