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Place to document the processing and publication of historic maps, from photos to web apps

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Creating interactive web maps from raster datasets in R

The examples below show how to create interactive maps, for publication online, from old photos. Other resources explaining how to do this have been created, including this:

To run this code you’ll need the following R packages installed:

#> Linking to GEOS 3.7.1, GDAL 2.4.0, PROJ 5.2.0
#> Data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. http:
#> tmap mode set to interactive viewing

Data cleaning / preprocessing

The first stage is to check the size of datasets in your project.

ip = "\\.jpg|\\.JPG|\\.tif|\\.TIF"
f = list.files(path = ".", pattern = ip)
f_size = file.size(f) / 1e6
f_df = data.frame(f, f_size, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
f_df = f_df[order(f_size, decreasing = TRUE), ]
# head(f_df)
f f_size
20 NLS_40_01.tif 666
22 RAF_1947_CO35_6_0035_5133_RS_modified.tif 181
23 RAF_1947_CO35_6_0035_5133_RS.tif 149
6 DSC03273.TIF 72
2 1836_Bryant_combined.tif 10
1 1810_OSD_204_Hereford.tif 8

Some of these are huge files. That is fine if time and computing resources including RAM and internet bandwidth etc are not a problem limitation. But for the purposes of testing and teaching methods, it makes sense to compress the images before the other steps.

First we can do this by changing the resolution. In the next line of code, we will set the maximum number of pixels, in X or Y dimensions, to 1000 pixels. This parameter will be used subsequently in the code.

px_max = 1000 # other max pixel values can be used here

To compress images from the command line you can use ImageMagick. We’ll do this for the 5th largest image in the dataset, as follows:

j = 5
i = magick::image_read(f_df$f[j])
#> # A tibble: 1 x 7
#>   format width height colorspace matte filesize density
#>   <chr>  <int>  <int> <chr>      <lgl>    <int> <chr>  
#> 1 TIFF    2760   1244 sRGB       FALSE 10328844 240x240
ic = magick::image_resize(i, geometry = paste0(px_max, "x", px_max))
#> # A tibble: 1 x 7
#>   format width height colorspace matte filesize density
#>   <chr>  <int>  <int> <chr>      <lgl>    <int> <chr>  
#> 1 TIFF    1000    451 sRGB       FALSE        0 240x240
magick::image_write(ic, "c-image-test.tif")
file.size(f_df$f[j]) / 1e6
#> [1] 10.32884
file.size("c-image-test.tif") / 1e6
#> [1] 1.381465

What just happened? We just reduced a 10 MB file to a 0.1 MB file, but reducing the resolution. Now we can do this for all datasets (not run as this is slow):

#> Warning in dir.create("c-res"): 'c-res' already exists
f_df$file_name_res = paste0("c-res/", f_df$f)
f_df$f_size_res = NA
# Note: uncomment the 3 commented lines below to run the compression code
for(j in 1:nrow(f_df)) {
  # i = magick::image_read(f_df$f[j])
  # ic = magick::image_resize(i, geometry = "1000x1000")
  # magick::image_write(ic, f_df$file_name_res[j])
  f_df$f_size_res[j] = file.size(f_df$file_name_res[j]) / 1e6
#> [1] 1132.156
sum(f_df$f_size_res, na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] 17.21778
sum(f_df$f_size) / sum(f_df$f_size_res, na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] 65.75502
plot(f_df$f_size, f_df$f_size_res)

knitr::kable(head(f_df[c(1, 2, 4)]), digits = 0)
f f_size f_size_res
20 NLS_40_01.tif 666 2
22 RAF_1947_CO35_6_0035_5133_RS_modified.tif 181 2
23 RAF_1947_CO35_6_0035_5133_RS.tif 149 2
6 DSC03273.TIF 72 2
2 1836_Bryant_combined.tif 10 1
1 1810_OSD_204_Hereford.tif 8 2

Overall the code above has reduced the image data by more than 1 GB, with the a maximum compressed file size of around 3 MB.

Another way to reduce the size of images is by saving them in a compressed file format (.tif files can be compressed with GDAL, in this case we will save them as .jpg files with the default quality settings).

#> Warning in dir.create("c-jpg"): 'c-jpg' already exists
f_df$file_name_jpg = gsub(pattern = ip, ".jpg", x = f_df$f)
f_df$file_name_jpg = paste0("c-jpg/", f_df$file_name_jpg)
f_df$f_size_jpg = NA
# Note: uncomment the 2 commented lines below to run the compression code
for(j in 1:nrow(f_df)) {
  # i = magick::image_read(f_df$f[j])
  # magick::image_write(i, f_df$file_name_jpg[j], quality = 30, format = "jpeg")
  f_df$f_size_jpg[j] = file.size(f_df$file_name_jpg[j]) / 1e6
#> [1] 28.9314
sum(f_df$f_size) / sum(f_df$f_size_jpg)
#> [1] 39.13241
plot(f_df$f_size, f_df$f_size_jpg)

knitr::kable(head(f_df[c(1, 2, 6)]), digits = 0)
f f_size f_size_jpg
20 NLS_40_01.tif 666 10
22 RAF_1947_CO35_6_0035_5133_RS_modified.tif 181 2
23 RAF_1947_CO35_6_0035_5133_RS.tif 149 2
6 DSC03273.TIF 72 1
2 1836_Bryant_combined.tif 10 0
1 1810_OSD_204_Hereford.tif 8 0

This shows that saving the files in a compressed format, .jpeg with a high compression ratio (quality can be increased by changing 30 to a higher value, up to 100) has also reduced image sizes by more than 1GB.

We can use the raw input files, the lower resolution files, or the compressed .jpeg files. With computational operations, it is often sensible to try a method first on a small dataset and only after tweaking the methods/settings on things that run quickly, run it on the whole dataset.

We will use the smaller .tif files for now.

Vector data

Vector data is available from a wide range of places. OpenStreetMap is a good up-to-date source that has global coverage and is ever improving, albeit with uneven quality, thanks to thousands of volunteers.

osm_data = opq(bbox = "hereford uk") %>% 
  add_osm_feature("name", "Rotherwas Industrial Estate") %>% 
rotherwas_boundary = osm_data$osm_polygons
#> [1] "sf"         "data.frame"

# write_sf(rotherwas_boundary, "rotherwas_boundary.geojson") # save the file

We can plot this in an interactive mapping environment as follows:

tm_shape(rotherwas_boundary) +


QGIS can georectify images using the Georeferencer plugin, as illustrated below.

The small .tif files that were created using the methods above were saved in a folder called georectified. Note: you can remove black edges and reduce files sizes in QGIS’s save options, which is an interface to GDAL settings.


To create a ‘slippy map’ that users can zoom in and out, we can build a tile pyramid with GDAL. We will do this from a shell, in this case bash, the default shell on many Linux systems (see for details) --zoom=2-18 -r near georectified/raf-47.tif t-raf-47

This tiled results can be viewed by opening the file raf-1947-tiles/leaflet.html, which looks like this:

browseURL("t-raf-47/leaflet.html", browser = "firefox")

Serving the tiles

Tiles can be served simply by uploading them somewhere that will allow people to access the static .tif files, a ‘static file server’ that does not need to do anything with the files. One way of doing this is using GitHub’s free ‘gh-pages’ file serving system. After creating a new repo, this can be done as follows from bash (source: the deploy_site_github vignette from the pkgdown R package)

git clone [email protected]:foss4lh/rotherwas-tiles.git
cd rotherwas-tiles
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git rm -rf .
git commit --allow-empty -m 'Initial gh-pages commit'
git push origin gh-pages
cd ..
cp -Rv t-raf-47 rotherwas-tiles

Once you have pushed the new tiles online, you can see them, e.g. from here:

Now we can use the route of the URL for these tiles to create an interactive map:

# this tile works:
tiles_url = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
  # tm_basemap(server = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", tms = T) +
# tm_basemap(tiles_url, tms = TRUE) +
tm_tiles(server = tiles_url, tms = TRUE) +
  tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(14, 15)) +
  tm_shape(rotherwas_boundary) +
  tm_borders(col = "red", lwd = 5) 

Creating and publishing a map

An interactive map with more options can be created with JavaScript mapping libraries such as Leaflet or OpenLayers, or with higher level mapping packages such as the R package tmap, demonstrated above. Good materials on each exist online. An example of a slightly more sophisticated map is demonstrated below.

m = tm_basemap(server = leaflet::providers$OpenTopoMap) +
  tm_tiles(server = tiles_url, tms = TRUE) +
  tm_view(bbox = tmaptools::bb(rotherwas_boundary, 6)) +
  tm_shape(rotherwas_boundary) +
  tm_borders(col = "red", lwd = 5) +
  tm_polygons(alpha = 0.2, col = "red") +
  tm_markers(text = "name") 
tmap_save(m, "map1.html")
#> Warning: One tm layer group has duplicated layer types, which are omitted.
#> To draw multiple layers of the same type, use multiple layer groups (i.e.
#> specify tm_shape prior to each of them).
#> Interactive map saved to /home/robin/Documents/rotherwas-historic-maps/map1.html
file.rename("map1.html", "rotherwas-tiles/map1.html")
#> [1] TRUE

The result can be seen here:


Place to document the processing and publication of historic maps, from photos to web apps






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