Version 1.0.0
Geo Memory is a regular memory game that allows the player to choose difficulty and level settings.
Home Page Title Box
- The title box contains buttons that let the player access the instructions, and the leaderboard and start the game.
- The instructions open from the home page instructions button.
- Gives the user crystal clear instructions of how the game works and its rules. It explains in detail how the difficulties are applied and what they represent.
The Game Area
- The game area contains all relevant statistics all of which are generated through Javascript.
- Timer
- Score
- Moves
- The timer is based on the difficulty chosen by the player.
- It displays the current level and difficulty.
- It also displays the game board.
The Game Board
- The game board contains all cards.
- The cards are generated through Javascript.
- The number of cards is based on the level.
- All cards have a front and a back image.
Game Options
- The game options allow the player to choose difficulty and initial level.
The Footer
- The footer is the same on every page of the site and always stays below the game area.
- The footer contains links to the developer's GitHub page and LinkedIn page through the companies icons.
- Add more levels.
- Add the difficulty of matching country names with pictures.
- Add a leaderboard.
- Add extra columns to the game board when the space and card count allows.
Max-height: 1100px Change card dimensions through a css variable. Removes all modal padding. Change footer position to static.
Max-height: 900px Change card dimensions through a css variable.
Max Height: 500px Change body and input font size.
Max-width: 850px Change card dimensions through a css variable. Change grid-gap. Change footer position to static.
Max-width: 750px Change grid column count.
Max-width: 500px Change card dimensions through a css variable. Change modal footers to display block.
Max-width: 320px Change card dimensions through a css variable. Change the game title font size. Change difficulty class's font size.
Testing is been done manually and has gone through all the features the site provides for all types of screens, from small to desktop screens.
- Instructions button: Works and opens up a modal and displays scrollable instructions.
- Start Game button: Works and takes the user to the game page.
- Github icon: Works and opens a new tab that goes to the developer's GitHub page.
- LinkedIn icon: Works and opens a new tab that goes to the developer's LinkedIn page.
- All social media icons work as expected on all pages of the site.
- The instructions scroll as intended.
- Both close buttons work and close the instructions.
- Displays a modal and the game options themselves as default upon entering or refreshing the game page.
- The radio buttons are clickable and all have their correctly corresponding label.
- They set the difficulty and level as intended once the game is started.
- Start game button closes the modal and starts the game as intended.
- Both the level and difficulty in the container receive the correct values from the game options.
- Timer: Starts as intended when the game starts and decrements by one every second.
- Score: Updates after two cards are flipped. It gets incremented by 10 if correct and decremented by 2 if incorrect.
- Moves: Works and increments by one after each card flip.
- The page directs user focus to the board upon game start.
- After the game is started, the correct number of cards is created and added randomly to the game board.
- Two new pairs of cards and a new row is added for each level as intended.
- A minimum of four columns is always displayed upon game start.
- The cards resize upon hovering.
- All cards on the board are clickable.
- All cards flip over when clicked.
- A flipped card can't be clicked again.
- It recognizes when two cards match or don't match.
- When two cards are flipped and are not correct turn back after the time set by the difficulty or turn back upon a click of a new card.
- When two cards are flipped and are correct they stay flipped and never flip back, while still allowing for new cards to be flipped and checked.
- All modals display the correctly calculated scores and statistics.
- All close buttons close the modals and takes the user back to the home page.
- The play again and next level buttons work as intended and refresh the page.
- Upon a game win the game win modal is displayed.
- Upon a game loss the game lose modal is displayed.
- Upon beating the game, the game over modal is displayed.
- The exit button works and takes the user back to the home page.
- The restart button works and refreshes the game page.
- All buttons hover as intended.
- All non-"X" buttons focus when clicked
- I tested all the pages of the site on all different devices that exist on
- Some elements and screen sizes needed to be media queried that I would have forgotten about otherwise.
- Responsiveness at this time is satisfactory.
- No errors were returned when passing through the official W3C validator
- No errors were found when passing through the official Jigsaw validator
Functions declared in within loops errors were found on three occasions when passing through the official JSHint validator
These errors are due to adding event listeners inside of a function. But as far as I know, this is the best way to go about it anyway.
- There are no known bugs.
- Instructions content is too long to show all of it, and overflows from the viewport and didn't scroll.
- I had put a min-height on the modal it sits on, so changing it to just height solved the problem.
The project was deployed on GitHub Pages. I used Gitpod as a development environment where I committed all changes to the git version control system. I used the push command in Gitpod to save changes into GitHub.
- The site was deployed to GitHub pages.
- I logged into GitHub
- In the GitHub repository, I went to the Settings tab.
- From there I clicked the Pages section and clicked the source drop-down menu called Branch and selected main.
- Once the master branch has been selected, the page will be automatically refreshed
The live link can be found here -
To run locally:
- Log in to GitHub and click on the repository to download
- Select
and click Download the ZIP file. - After downloading, you can extract the file and use it in your local environment
- The ShuffleCards function is the Fisher-Yates algorithm that I found on
- All icons on the page were taken from Font Awesome
- Back of cards image:
- Malmö Sweden Image:
- New York USA Image:
- Sydney Australia Image:
- Moscow Russia Image:
- Agra India Image:
- Dubai United Arab Emirates Image:
- Paris France Image:
- Rome Italy Image:
- London England Image:
- Athens Greece Image: