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Download/install GCC for Renesas RX and e2studio

Create a new project with GCC

For example, create project: RTK5RX65Ndemo00

  • File > New > C/C++ Project >
  • Templates for New C/C++ Project
    • Renesas RX >
    • GCC for Renesas RX C/C++ Executable Project >
    • Next >
  • New GCC for Renesas RX Executable Project
    • Project name: RTK5RX65Ndemo00
    • Next >
  • Select toolchain, device & debug settings
    • Target Device: ... > RX600 > RX65N > RX65N - 100 pin > R5F565NEDxFP_DUAL
    • change dropdown selection of E1 (RX) to E2 Lite (RX)
    • select Endian setting: Big of Little (default)
    • Next >
  • Select Coding Assistant Settings
    • Next >
  • Select Additional CPU Options
    • Next >
  • Select library generator settings
    • Next >
  • Summary of project "RTK5RX65Ndemo00"
    • Finish >

Edit the HardwareDebug-configuration

  • Project > Properties >
  • Properties for RTK5RX65Ndemo00
    • Run/Debug Settings > RTK5RX65Ndemo00 HardwareDebug > Edit... >
  • Edit launch configuration properties
    • Debugger > Connection Settings >
      • Clock: HOCO
      • Connection with Target Board: change dropdown selection JTag to Fine
      • Power: change dropdown selection Yes to No
    • OK > Apply and Close >

Set the language standard (optional)

  • Project > Properties >
  • Properties for RTK5RX65Ndemo00
    • C/C++ Build > Settings > Compiler > Source >
    • Language standard: change dropdown selection as required
    • Apply and Close >

Build the project

  • Project > Build Project >

After editing project files as required, build the project again to incorporate the latest changes. If errors come up, the build won't succeed and corrections have to made before a new build will succeed.

Warnings can arise because the standard settings for Workspace and Project are a bit picky, for example if(rc=test_error(params ) ) {...} will complain with a possible assignment in condition, while the programmer surely intended that the return value from test_error() given to the result code would require some additional processing in case it indicated an error by being non-zero. The standard settings for suggesting parentheses also tend to make code less readable.

If you want to change these settings for the project, use:

  • Project > Properties > C/C++ General > Code Analysis
    • Check Use project settings and set them here

Workspace-wide settings for the above can be made in:

  • Window > Preferences > Preferences Code Analysis >

Start a debugging session

  • Run > Debug >
    • Confirm a change to Debug Perspective

Learn the keyboard function key shortcuts for stepping through the code.

End the debugging session with a right-click in the debug-pane at the project and choose: Terminate and Remove.

  • Yes >


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