I'm a Cloud Solutions Architect from 🇮🇹, living in 🇵🇱. I graduated in Industrial Design at Polytechnic of Torino. After my studies I discovered my passion for web development, and started my adventure as web developer 🕷️. I studied JavaScript before Node.js was invented, HTML before HTML5, CSS before LESS and SASS. Many were still using IE6 back then, and nobody was making fun of jQuery!
I built my first web app using PHP
, Apache
on Windows
(WAMP). Since then, I built many web applications, using different tech stacks, both server and client side. I'm an expert of Single Page Applications, my first were built with Backbone
, RequireJS
, and Grunt
I ❤️ many things in life. I maintain everything in Neoteroi .
- 🔭 I’m currently working on my open source projects here
- 🌱 I’m currently learning
(but I have extremely little time) - 💬 Ask me about my open source projects
- 📫 How to reach me: GitHub