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RoBorregos Robocup-Home

This repository contains the development of RoBorregos' robotic solution for RoboCup's @HOME competition, Open Platform League (OPL), where the robot must be capable of interacting with people, manipulate objects and have intelligent responses for everyday home tasks.

See RoboCup @HOME Rules.

Project setup

  1. Clone the project repository on your local machine.


    $ git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Docker Setup If needed

Project details

This project is made using:

For more information about the project system, structure, and development areas you can check our Official Documentation.

Development team

Name Email Github Role
José Cisneros [email protected] @Josecisneros001 PM Software, Integration & Speech
Aldo Samaniego [email protected] @AldoSamaniego PM Mechatronics & Power Supply Electronics
Aurora Tijerina [email protected] @AuroTB Navigation & Integration
Ricardo Chapa [email protected] @RicardoChapaRomero Object Detection
Alejandro Ruiz [email protected] @BVDozen Mechanical Design
Iqui Balam [email protected] @IquiBalamHM Object Detection
Amin Mendez [email protected] @AminMendez Mechanical Design
Gaby Alvarez [email protected] @gabyjazzmin NLP Conversation
Anel Alvarado [email protected] @AnelAlvarado Elevator Electronics
José Pacheco [email protected] @JFPach98 Human Detection
Alonso Ruiz [email protected] @AlonRuiz Arm Mechanics
Andy Salcedo [email protected] @andrea2702 Arm Electronics
Ignacio Maldonado [email protected] @IGNA-TENKOV Mechanical Design
Paul Vazquez [email protected] @paulvazbad Mentor