- Istanbul
- [email protected]
- in/ridvanorun
- https://medium.com/@ridvanorun
The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
Bu projede; Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Merkez Bankası tarafından açıklanan döviz kurlarını, XML ile çekerek .NetCore/MVC ile geliştirdiğim sayfamda gösterdim ve eş zamanı olarak Db'ye kaydettim.
The project is a REST API developed in .NETCore using the Entity Framework and applying the SOLID programming principles as well as using ORM. The database used in the project was realized using th…
In this project I got the data from newsapi and listed it on the main page. When the user searches for invalid data, a message not found will appear. If the user searches with empty data, he will b…
Java-Desktop-Technical-Service Application
Java Desktop Selling Management Project
I made CRUD operations in a sample API project. In this project, I worked with the NoSql database "MongoDB".
ExcelStreamer is a .NET library that enables you to code reading and updating Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) file in a simpler way by making use of ClosedXML and ExcelDataReader Libraries.
Unit of Work and Repository Example for Dapper