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Beeline navigation SDK for iOS

Integrate Beeline navigation into your iOS app

Image of Beeline navigation

You may also be interested in Beeline routing SDK for iOS


  • Compatible with iOS 9+
  • Integrate with CocoaPods or Carthage

See installation guide


General approach

  • Create an instance of BeelineNavigationViewController
  • Register onRideFinished callback
  • Present BeelineNavigationViewController in whatever way best suits your application
  • Dismiss BeelineNavigationViewController when ride is finished

Approach 1: Beeline navigation to a destination

Recommended if:

  • your app has no route planner
  • your app does not use the Beeline routing SDK for iOS to display a route to a user before starting navigation

When you start Beeline navigation with a destination Beeline will fetch a route from the user's current location to the destination.

An error will be displayed to the user if:

  • no internet connection is available
  • no route is available between the user's location and destination
  • the destination is not a valid coordinate
// At the top of your file
import BeelineNavigation

// use a search or map to allow your user to choose a destination
let destination = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 51.504527, -longitude: 0.086500)

// provide a `CLLocationCoordinate2D` representing the destination
// you should verify the location is logically valid before passing it to Beeline
// (see the error handling section for more info)
let beelineNavigationViewController = BeelineNavigationViewController(destination: destination)

// omitted: display beelineNavigationViewController

beelineNavigationViewController.onRideFinished = { ride in
  // omitted: dismiss beelineNavigationViewController

Approach 2: Beeline navigation with a route

Recommended if:

  • your app uses the Beeline routing SDK for iOS to display a route to a user before navigation is started
// At the top of your file
import BeelineNavigation

// ... provide the `BeelineRoute`
let beelineNavigationViewController = BeelineNavigationViewController(route: route)

// omitted: display beelineNavigationViewController

beelineNavigationViewController.onRideFinished = { ride in
  // omitted: dismiss beelineNavigationViewController

How to stop navigation programatically

Beeline will stop the ride and invoke the onRideFinished callback when the user presses the stop button. If you want to end the ride programatically you can call the endRide() function.

// This will also invoke the BeelineNavigationViewController.onRideFinished callback

How to update battery, range and cost details

By default these additional details will be hidden, to display them simply call the appropriate setter.

beelineNavigationViewController.set(batteryLevel: 0.5) // 50%
beelineNavigationViewController.set(range: 25_100.0) // 25.1km
beelineNavigationViewController.set(cost: 1.2, currency: "£") // £1.20

How to change the the measurement unit

By default Beeline will use the user's default measurement preference. However you can override this behaviour by setting the measurement unit.

beelineNavigationViewController.set(measurementUnit: .metric) // km


What happens if the user goes off route?

  • It will automatically reroute the user

What happens if the phone loses a data connection?

  • A data connection is required to fetch an initial route if a destination was provided. In the case of no data connection Beeline will display an error and retry once a data connection is available
  • If the user goes off route and no data connection is available Beeline will display its off route arrow and try to reroute once a data connection is available

Install SDK

Configure your Xcode project for location updates

  • Specify a NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription in your app's Info.plist
  • Enable Location updates in your app's Background modes

The Beeline navigation SDK will automatically request permission when a BeelineNavigationViewController is presented if permission has yet to be requested.

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

CocoaPods 1.1+ is required to build BeelineNavigation.

To integrate BeelineNavigation into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '9.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'BeelineNavigation', '~> 1.0'

Then run the following command:

$ pod install

Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate BeelineNavigation into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "RideBeeline/beeline-ios-navigation" ~> 1.0

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built BeelineNavigation.framework into your Xcode project.


Beeline navigation SDK for iOS






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