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ECE350 ToolChain Installation for Mac

Quick Start

To run, double click on the setup.command file. Installation takes ~5 minutes to complete and may require your password to install some components. The script installs the following:

  • Xcode Command Line Tools
  • Homebrew
  • OpenOCD
  • USB FTDI Drivers
  • Icarus Verilog
  • GTKWave

The repository includes a linter file for use with VSCode's popular Verilog extension. It is not automatically installed by the setup file, but the details are described below.

If you wish to install the software yourself, follow the instructions below.

Optional - Linter

If you use VSCode, the most popular Verilog extension in the marketplace doesn't use the format that we use in the course to organize our files. If you wish to replace the linter file that comes with the that extension, you can do so by replacing the linter file with the following command, run from within the toolchain repository.

  1. Install the extension
  2. In a terminal window from within the Toolchain directory, enter

        find ~/.vscode/extensions -name "mshr-h.veriloghdl-*" -exec cp IcarusLinter.js '{}'/out/src/linter/IcarusLinter.js \;

Note: This linter uses the general flow of how we teach you to use Icarus. You will need to create you file list and name it "FileList.txt" for this linter to work.

Manual Installation

Installing Homebrew

  1. In a terminal window, enter

        /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Installing Xcode Command Line Tools

Installing Homebrew will also install the Xcode Command Line Tools. You can install them using the Homebrew installer or manually yourself.

  1. Install Xcode (install from the AppStore)
  2. from Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads


  1. In a terminal window, enter

        xcode-select --install

Installing OpenOCD

  1. In a terminal window, enter

        brew install --HEAD openocd

If you would like to build the image yourself, the complete instructions are available here. The repository for building the source is available here.

The repository includes files necessary to use OpenOCD as well as a python wrapper to expedite the programming process.

Installing Icarus Verilog

  1. In a terminal window, enter

        brew install icarus-verilog

If you would like to build the image yourself, the complete instructions are available here.

Installing GTKWave

  1. In a terminal window, enter

        brew install gtkwave

Known Errors

libusb_claim_interface failed with LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS when using ./

To fix this error. Open a terminal window and use the following commands Unload the serial port driver

        sudo kextunload -b com.FTDI.driver.FTDIUSBSerialDriver

Unload Apple FTDI driver if applicable

        sudo kextunload -b

Test OpenOCD again

        ./ FileName


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