In this Python Reinforcement Learning Tutorial series we teach an AI to play Snake! We build everything from scratch using Pygame and PyTorch. The tutorial consists of 4 parts:
You can find all tutorials on my channel: Playlist
- Part 1: I'll show you the project and teach you some basics about Reinforcement Learning and Deep Q Learning.
- Part 2: Learn how to setup the environment and implement the Snake game.
- Part 3: Implement the agent that controls the game.
- Part 4: Implement the neural network to predict the moves and train it.
- AI将会在靠近食物时得到奖励,AI越久没吃到食物,奖励越大(0.005)
- AI将会在远离食物时得到惩罚,AI越久没吃到食物,惩罚越大(0.007)
- 添加了训练过程中reward和iteration的实时显示
- 添加了每局末reward的总和计算并打印
- 修改图表,添加了图例
Original repository:
- AI will be rewarded when approaching food. The longer AI does not eat food, the greater the reward (0.005)
- AI will be punished when staying away from food. The longer AI does not eat food, the greater the punishment (0.007)
- Added real-time display of reward and iteration during training
- Added sum calculation and print at the end of each round of reward
- Modified chart, added legend