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Rellu Toolbox

a collection of useful tools Toolbox

How to add a new Tool?

Add JSON into shared/config/tools.json with Configuration

  "name": "template",
  "displayname": "template",
  "icon": "template",
  "description": "template",
  "bgclass": "template",
  "content": "./tools/template.php"


  "name": "rollTheDice20",
  "displayname": "Roll the Dice20",
  "icon": "fa-solid fa-dice-d20",
  "description": "Generates Numbers between 1-20",
  "bgclass": "bg-warning",
  "content": "./tools/rollTheDice20.php"

Add <toolname>.php into tools/ Folder

    echo "template";

Good to know

  • important is to use camelCase for the name.
  • The displayname is used as modal title
  • If you need a php script that is called by your tool add a folder like ./tools/rollTheDice20/
  • Additional CSS Files can be stored in ./assets/css/
  • Additional JS Files can be stored in ./assets/js/
  • Additional Images can be stored in ./assets/img/
  • The Main Language for this Project is English


Color Class Use
Yellow bg-warning Generators
Blue bg-primary Calculators & Tools with API Calls
Gray bg-secondary String Tools
Light Blue bg-info Converter
Green bg-success Free
Red bg-danger Free


  1. Comma Seperator (from new Line)
  2. Text Div


  1. git clone
  2. ./
  3. clone prod.env.example over to prod.env and fill in the values