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A utility module for Drupal 9, adding useful generic functionality

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Drupal 9 Starter Module

A utility module for Drupal 9, adding useful generic functionality.


The module provides a lot of useful functionality, some of which needs configuring and some which works without any set up. Here follows a brief summary of functionality.

User login / logout paths

The module allows the default user login / logout paths to be customised - useful for security on a Drupal site with no front-facing user roles.

Copy role permissions

Allows a user role's permissions to be copied to another role, with the option of preserving any existing permissions in the destination role.

Disable direct access of entities

Many content types and taxonomy vocabulary terms should not be directly accessible, for example a banner content type that is used via an entry reference on another content type. This functionality allows entities with a specific path alias (configurable) - best set up via the pathauto module - to not be viewed directly (if attempted, a 404 response is generated).

Redirect aliased entities

If a url alias exists for an entity, the user will always be redirected to that alias (rather than viewing via /node/123, for example).

Exclude content types / bundles from core search

Allows specific content types to be excluded from the Drupal core search.

Pre-populate form fields via request parameters

If enabled, passing a field name and value as a request parameter will pre-populate an entity form, if a matching field is found.

Append vocabulary label to term reference autocomplete field results

If enabled, an autocomplete taxonomy term reference field's results will have the vocabulary appended in square brackets for each match.

Append bundle label to node reference autocomplete field results

If enabled, an autocomplete node reference field's results will have the bundle appended in square brackets for each match.

Twig theme suggestions

Several additional theme suggestions / hooks are added by the module, based on the path alias of the current request - these are added at the page and region levels.

Twig extensions

The following Twig extensions are provided:

  • get_root(): Returns the site base path.
  • get_theme_url(): Returns the current theme URL.
  • display_menu(string $menu_name): Renders the passed menu name.
  • place_block(string $block_name): Renders the passed block name.
  • place_form(string $form_name): Renders the passed form class name.
  • place_webform(string $webform_name): Renders the passed webform.
  • place_node(int $node_id, string $display_type): Renders the passed node identifier and display type.
  • place_term(Taxonomy_term $term, string $display_type): Renders the passed taxonomy term and display type.
  • place_view(string $view_name, int $display_id): Renders the passed view name and display identifier.
  • place_paragraphs(string $field_name, obj $node = null): Returns a rendered 'Paragraphs' field. The node will be automatically grabbed from the current route unless you specify otherwise.
  • place_entity(string $entity, striong $view_mode = 'full'): Returns the rendered entity.
  • place_responsive_image(ImageItem $image, string $image_style): Returns the render responsive image.
  • place_menu(string $menu_name, int $min_depth, int $max_depth, string $theme): Renders the passed menu, with an optional min and max depth, as well as a theme (Twig template).
  • get_taxonomy_terms(string $taxonomy_name, array $extra_fields): Returns an array of taxonomy terms from a taxonomy vocabulary name. You may also pass an array of the names of extra fields to pull through.
  • get_active_theme(): Returns the active theme name.
  • get_image_path(string $image, string $style): Returns the image path for the passed image field, optionally for a specific image style.
  • get_url_segment(int $segment, bool underscores = false): Returns a segment of the current request's URL. Pass true as the second parameter to convert dashes to underscores.
  • get_current_path(): Returns the current path.
  • get_theme_setting(string $theme_setting): Returns a theme setting's value.
  • get_variable(string $variable): Returns a $_GET variable.
  • get_config(string $config): Returns a config.
  • dd($data, bool $exit = true): Dumps out $data and exits the script, unless a second parameter of false is passed.
  • set_meta({key: value, key: value}[, id]): Sets meta tags, pass a second parameter to replace an already existing meta tag.
  • get_node_path($nid): Returns the path of a given node ID.
  • get_current_lang(): Returns the current language code.
  • get_rendered_string($render_array): Returns a string containing markup for the passed render array
  • get_env($env): Wrapper for getenv() function

Twig filters

The following Twig filters are provided:

  • slugify: Makes a string URL-friendly.
  • debugstrip: Strips HTML tags and trims a string whilst Drupal's in development mode. This stops you from having to litter your template files with |striptags|trim which will be ineffective when in production mode.
  • unescape: decodes html entities in the passed string.


Use composer: composer require reckless/starter

Note: Drupal Composer Project ( should be used.


A utility module for Drupal 9, adding useful generic functionality






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