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Nico & Ahmad presents...

Group Project for the Marcy Lab School

fetch 1

Loop up meal by

  • ingredient

fetch 2

press on meal to List all

  • Categories
  • Area
  • Ingredients


  • search for meal by ingredient form
  • website shows 3 random meals on default
  • search renders 3 meals imgs based on ingredients under form
  • click on meal img renders extra data on the meal

additional Features

  • save meal or save search history
  • user submits review on meal
  • serving size calculator
  • ofc dark mode toggle


Day 1:

  • 5pm: Complete and post the proposal document in the group Slack channel.
  • Bare Minimum: Provide two examples of API fetch calls (one for many things, one for one thing).
  • Ideal: Include descriptions of user stories and a wireframe that shows a thoughtful idea about what data is displayed.
  • Stretch: Share a link to the created GitHub organization and repo in the group Slack channel.

Day 2:

  • 1:30pm (soft deadline): Create your scrum board with tickets.
  • 3pm (soft deadline): Start working on deploying skeleton code to GitHub Pages if not already done.
  • Bare Minimum: The repo should have an index.html file with the project name as the title.
  • Ideal: In addition to the above, include two console logs showing successful fetches (one for full data and one for details on one resource).
  • Stretch: Display the fetched data on the page somehow.
  • 5pm: Deploy the skeleton code and share the website link in Slack. Ensure the scrum board is filled out.

Day 3:

  • 9am-5pm: Work on your Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
  • Bare Minimum: Fetch and display the full set of data.
  • Ideal: Allow clicking on one item to fetch details (no need to render yet).
  • Stretch: Allow clicking on and rendering data about a single item.
  • Meet with Engineering Manager: Provide a progress update.
  • 5pm: Post a screenshot of the deployed MVP in the group chats.

Day 4:

  • 5pm: Post screenshot(s) of the app with "marked improvement." This can be a new stretch feature or a more styled site (layout, colors, fonts, animations).
  • Bare Minimum: Use Flexbox/Grid to organize the fetched data set.
  • Ideal: Maintain consistent fonts and colors throughout the page with both mobile and desktop views.
  • Stretch: Add a new feature (localStorage, additional fetches, etc.).

Day 5:

  • 4pm: Deploy the "final" version of the app with screenshots.
  • The app should include:
    • 2 fully completed MVP features.
    • 1 or more fully completed stretch features.
    • A fully styled and responsive site.
  • 5pm: Complete a presentation with a walkthrough video (no longer than 3 minutes).
  • The walkthrough should include:
    • A screen share of a user walking through the site.
    • Narration of their actions.
    • Demonstration of at least 2 features on the deployed site.