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"Password Generator" is an application to generate passwords with as many random characters as the number entered by the user.

The number entered by the user has to be within the range 8-128 characters


Python Version

The app has been developed and tested on Python 3.11, although it may work with older versions.

However, I cannot guarantee full app functionality on Python versions prior to 3.11.

If you're having trouble running your app on an older version of Python, upgrade to version 3.11 or higher to ensure that everything works correctly.

To download the latest version of Python, visit the official website.


  • Python 3.11 or higer

  • flet (Graphical interface)

  • python-dotenv (Environment variable for language switching)

    To install these dependencies execute in a terminal with the virtual environment activated this command: poetry install.

    This will automatically install all the dependencies specified in your project's pyproject.toml file.

    I explain more about "Poetry" in the next section



Poetry is a dependency management tool that simplifies the installation and management of Python packages.


To install Poetry globally, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install Poetry by running the following command in a terminal as administrator:
    • On Unix or WSL: curl -sSL | python3 -
    • On Windows in a PowerShell terminal: (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -
  2. Add the Poetry installation path to your PATH environment variable.
  3. To verify that Poetry is installed correctly, run the following command in a terminal: poetry --version.


Installing Poetry locally can be useful if you want to manage different dependencies for different projects. To install Poetry locally, follow these steps:

  1. Create a virtual environment for your project.
  2. Activate the virtual environment.
  3. Run the following command in a terminal: pip install poetry.


To install the dependencies required for your project, run the following command in a terminal with the virtual environment activated: poetry install.

This will automatically install all the dependencies specified in your project's pyproject.toml file.

For more information on Poetry, visit the official website.


Thank you for considering contributing to the project! Here are some ways you can help:

  • Clone the repository and work on new features or bug fixes in your own branch.
  • Submit pull requests for your changes and make sure you follow our coding standards and documentation requirements.
  • Help review and approve pull requests from other developers.
  • Share the project on your social networks or blog so that more people can learn about it.

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