An ASP.NET Core API project developed with C#, .NET Core, MSSQL, and Entity Framework Core using the SOLID architectural pattern and other interesting concepts.
✔️ JWT Token: JWT token authentication for secure access to the APIs.
✔️ SQLite: SQLite as the database storage.
✔️ Repository Pattern: Repository pattern, providing a structured approach to data access and manipulation.
✔️ SOLID Principles: The SOLID architecture principles to enhance code maintainability, extensibility, and reusability.
✔️ Model Validation Perfect model validations to ensure the integrity and validity of data inputs.
API#01. Update Employee Name and Employee Code
- Allows to update an employee's name and code.
- Ensures uniqueness of employee codes to prevent duplicates.
PUT /api/tasks/UpdateNameAndCode/{employeeId}
API#02. Get 3rd Highest Salary Employee
- Retrieves the employee who has the 3rd highest salary.
GET /api/tasks/GetThirdHighestSalaryEmployee
API#03. Get Employees with No Absent Records
- Lists all employees sorted by maximum to minimum salary, who have no absent records.
GET /api/tasks/GetEmployeesWithNoAbsentRecords
API#04. Get Monthly Attendance Report
- Generates a detailed monthly attendance report for all employees.
- Report columns include Employee Name, Date, Salary, Total Present, Total Absent, and Total Offday.
GET /api/tasks/MonthlyReport
API#05. Get Employee Hierarchy
- Retrieves the employee hierarchy based on supervisor relationships.
- Input an Employee ID, and the API returns a hierarchical list of employees leading to the specified employee.
GET /api/tasks/GetHierarchy/{employeeId}
API#06. Get Auth Token
- Generates and returns a JWT authentication token.
GET /api/Auth/GetToken
This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause.