Awesome Libraries, Plugins, Mods, Implementations relating to the SpongeAPI project.
Libraries that help develop better plugins.
- Task Chains Aikar's TaskChain is brilliant for scheduling on and off thread, makes animation a breeze.
Plugins that allow you to load plugins from languages other then Java.
- Katrix-/KatLib Scala 1.12 dependency and basics for Sponge Plugins
- NucleusPowered/Nucleus Essential Essentials for Sponge Servers.
- lucko/LuckPerms Well maintained, User friendly, Context Aware Permissions for Sponge Servers.
- MinecraftPortCentral/GriefPrevention Sponge
portrewrite of a self-serve protection system, uses extensive use of Permission Contexts, Sponge Tracking & Causes, and extremely extensible. - FoxDenStudio/FoxGuard Admin claims / region handling, splits regions from their handlers for maximum reusability. Great UI and command system.
##Honorable Mentions
- BTFU (Back The Fuck Up? Backup Timemachine Forge Utility?) Is a Backup mod based on RSYNC / RSnapshot / a Java reimplementation of. By using hard links, it is able to save a ton of disk space. It is in the Honorable Mentions category due to being a forge mod, and not a Sponge plugin.
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law, Ryan Leach has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.