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ROS2Swarm Jackal Extension Simulation

To run the simulation:
Simulation Environment from Lars Schilling and adapted

Install Jackal packages and pointcloud_to_laserscan package:

sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-jackal-simulator ros-melodic-jackal-desktop ros-melodic-jackal-navigation ros-melodic-pointcloud-to-laserscan

Clone ouster_examples and this repo into catkin_ws/src:

git clone
git clone


cd catkin_ws

Run with amount of robots:

python2 5

To turn on LIDAR visualisation change visualize tag of LIDAR in OS1-64urdf.xacro to true

To run with the swarm package in simulation:

Install ROS bridge either from source or binaries:

sudo apt install ros-dashing-ros1-bridge

Make sure to source ROS versions directly and not have anything sourced preciously from the .bashrc.

Run the ROS bridge. The script can be used for that. It starts the master and the bridge in separate terminals and takes care of sourcing the ROS distros.


Start the Jackal Simulation with the number of robots as an argument

python2 5

Run the ROS2Swarm package with -v 1 argument in the script and the correct amount of robots from the simulation.

To run with the swarm package on real Jackals:

Connect to Jackal administrator via ssh. Replace _ with Jackal identifier number.

Install ROS2 and ROS bridge on Jackal. Follow this guide for ROS2. Bridge like above. Clone ROS2swarm repo, checkout branch JackalTests. This branch has the changes in the topic names included. Master on real Jackal is already started, only needed to start the bridge. script included in JackalTests branch.


LIDAR needs to be turned on manually. All the Jackals have a os1_lidar.launch script that starts the LIDAR nodes and includes the remapping to a 2D scan. Script is on the Nvidia Jetson. Access seperately and launch script:

ssh [email protected]_2
roslaunch os1_lidar.launch

IP address of LIDAR changes sometimes and the launch won't work. Check IP address of LIDAR with:

ping -c1 os1-[number printed on the LIDAR].local

and adjust in "os1_lidar.launch".

If LIDAR and the bridge are running the ROS2swarm package can be started on each Jackal. Make sure again that -v tag is 1 and -n tag is 1 as well. Open another terminal of the administrator and run:

cd ROS2swarm