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Virtual Meeting on December 03, 2014

BytesGalore edited this page Dec 3, 2014 · 5 revisions


  • Phạm Hữu Đăng Nhật (Ho Chi Minh University of Technology)
  • Oleg Hahm (INRIA)
  • Thomas Eichinger (FU Berlin)
  • Emmanuel Baccelli (INRIA)
  • Lotte Steenbrink (HAW Hamburg)
  • Peter Kietzmann (HAW Hamburg)
  • Martin Landsmann (HAW Hamburg)


  • Peter proposed the agenda
  • Agenda was approved as followed:
  1. Collect feedback on last shared Hack'n'ACK/plan for next one
  2. Peter requested comments for DAC PR
  3. Request feedback on 802.15.4 module Microchip MRF24J40MA
  4. Requesting one phyWAVE-A-Eval-Board evaluation board for FU and one for HAW
  5. Discuss difficulties on using netdev with no standard 802.15.4 device
  6. 802.15.4 industrial long range module for HAW

###Collect feedback on last shared Hack'n'ACK/plan for next one

  • Overall positive response from FU and HAW
  • FU schedule c-base preparations earlier for the next Hack'n'ACK
  • HAW camera position has been commented as "Nearly perfect"
  • Next Hack'n'ACK probably on 6th Jan. '15, skipping 30th Dec. '14 but keeping schedule for next year

###Peter requested comments for DAC PR #2023

  • Oleg will check this PR with stm32f4discovery if available

###Martin requested feedback on 802.15.4 module Microchip MRF24J40MA

  • Motivation on this was:
  • Support for 802.15.4 over SPI
  • Cheep solution for stm boards (~6€ for the transceiver and ~15€ for a board)
  • Availability to the public
  • Oleg was positive on the proposed transceiver
  • Peter contacts Kévin Roussel about an alternative SPI transceiver

###Requesting one phyWAVE-A-Eval-Board evaluation board for FU and one for HAW

  • Johann Fisher (phytec) proposed to provide up to 2 phyWAVE-A-Eval-Board to RIOT developers
  • Peter contacts Johann Fischer to ask for an evaluation board
  • In best case one for FU and one for HAW

###Discussion on difficulties using netdev with no standard 802.15.4 device

  • Peter asked for pro and contra on adapting uncommon transmitters (e.g. BTLE) to 6LoWPAN
  • Oleg pointed that the implementation/usage may rise unnecessary overhead
  • Emmanuel pointed to contact Carsten Bormann/6LoWPAN mailing list due to the topic is more relevant to 6LoWPAN than RIOT
  • Peter will ping Hauke Petersen on his opinion and also ask Carsten Bormann
  • nrf24l01+ and netdev or netapi
  • Peter asked how to proceed with nrf24l01+ and netdev interface #1808
  • Peter pointed to issue #2021 as description for the problems with porting
  • Oleg proposed to adopt nrf24l01+ to netapi in favour of netdev
    • Peter will have a look at it

###802.15.4 industrial long range module to HAW

  • INRIA ordered 8 devices and is willing to share some (2) with HAW
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