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Chef Available!? is a chef booking app I made to practice building a full-stack application with technologies such as React and Node.js with express. It served as my final project at Codaisseur.

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Chef Available!?


Chef available?! is an application where chefs can create an account and share their availability with potential employers. In the hospitality sector there is always a need for chefs. At times somebody will not show up, or a staff member gets sick. In these moments it is essential for employers to find a replacement quickly. On the other hand chefs sometimes have odd schedules, or just want to make an extra buck on days that they are available. The service is intended as a low key way of connecting chefs with employers.

The app allows chefs to create a profile which describes their skills and experience. Chefs can add their availability to a calender on their profile which allows employers to see when they are available. Employers can search for chefs based on selected criteria and required date. If a chef is available an employer can send him or her a message to discuss further details and perform a booking if mutual terms are met.

Click here to have a look at the app

Video Demo

If you are interested in playing around with the app you can create an account or login with:

email: [email protected]
password: test

Chef Available!? Demo

Technologies used in this project







User Stories

As a user I want to be able to create an account so I can login.

As a Chef I want to create a profile where I can tell something about myself as a professional.

As a user I want to show a calender on my page that displays my availability as a chef.

As an employer I want to see an overview of chefs who are registered with the service.

As an employer I would like to find chefs that meet my criteria.

As an employer I want to send messages to get in contact with chefs on the platform.

As a chef I want to be notified if somebody wants to hire / get in contact with me.

As an employer I want to leave reviews about chefs I have worked with.

Project Goals and Objectives

The main purpose of this project was to practice building a full-stack app from scratch and applying what I have learned over the past weeks during the codaisseur academy. For this project it was also important to follow proper structure by planning and creating wireframes, database models and a solid plan before a line of code was ever written. Please find below all the preparatory work that I did before starting on the project.

Project Board

Project Board



DB Diagram


Backend Repo


Version control

Proper version control is important in any project, for the purpose of bringing home this concept with myself I have tried to add:

  • Meaningful commit messages
  • Worked on the project using different branches.

This project has given me a solid understanding of working with the most important features of git.


Chef Available!? is a chef booking app I made to practice building a full-stack application with technologies such as React and Node.js with express. It served as my final project at Codaisseur.






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