our solution to spread the goodies
this project use Python 3 and Flask
Clone the project and checkout
Create a file named
with the stringmeetup_api_key
inside, use this to assign your personal api key from meetup,
it should look like something like this (31 char long, this one is fake):meetup_api_key = '781a5b2c2d7e332f803f325625361e9'
Install using
Run the application using
python3 flask_pyGlialo.py
Open browser
- master: stable branch (We have Travis)
- develop: branch for the latest development, if you want to contribute fork this one
See open issues
not the final version
First thank you for contributing.
We kinda use gitflow, create a new branch from develop
with a meaningful name and start coding.
Once you are satisfied and all the tests are green submit a PR.
- the Python Milano logo is from here
- winning banana is from clker
- sad banana is from DeviantArt user rollingjennyh