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Receive telegram notifications whenever an IP gets banned/unbanned from fail2ban.


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fail2telegram is a simple action for the fail2ban project that can send telegram notifications whenever an IP gets banned/unbanned.

Easy to install and easy to use.


  • python3+
  • fail2ban installed on server


1. Downloading

Use git clone to download the repository to your local machine / server:

> git clone

Then use the package manager pip to install the packages from the requirements.txt.

> pip3 install -r requirements.txt

2. Moving the files

Move the files and telegram_config.json into the action.d folder inside of your fail2ban installation location. (e.g. /etc/fail2ban/action.d)

Note: If your installation location differs from the default /etc/fail2ban/action.d, edit the self.installpath variable inside the

3. Editing

Edit your jail.local config and add the line:

action =

to your # JAILS. e.g:



enabled = true
action =
maxretry = 5
findtime = 6h
bantime = 12h
port    = ssh
logpath = %(sshd_log)s
backend = %(sshd_backend)s

and save the changes of course.

4. Telegram Bot

Now we need to create a new telegram bot. For that open a new chat with BotFather, type in the command /newbot and follow the instructions. In the end you should see a message like this:


Now copy the token to access the HTTP API and paste it into the telegram_api_token entry inside of the telegram_config.json. (Don't worry about the telegram_chat_id)

5. Chatting

Start a chat with your newly created bot and send a message (can be whatever).

6. Starting

Restart the fail2ban service using:

> service fail2ban restart

and check if the bot got the chat ID using:

> service fail2ban status

the expected output should look something like this:


If everything is working, you should start getting telegram notifications whenever someone gets banned or unbanned.


Note: will send everyone that got banned/unbanned in the timeframe defined by findtime at startup. After that just new stuff.


The telegram bot will send you everything automatically. But if you only want to receive a message when an IP gets banned or unbanned (not both), edit the telegram_config.json again and set the variables receive_banned and receive_unbanned to false. Only the variables set to true will be send as a telegram notification. e.g:


After that just execute to reload fail2ban and load the new configuration.

> service fail2ban restart


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

License: GPL v3


This repository is for research purposes only, the use of this code is your responsibility.

I take NO responsibility and/or liability for how you choose to use any of the source code available here. By using any of the files available in this repository, you understand that you are AGREEING TO USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Once again, ALL files available here are for EDUCATION and/or RESEARCH purposes ONLY.