Official PyLav Cogs for Red-DiscordBot
Name | Version | Package Name | Description (Click to expand) | Has Slash commands | Has Context menus commands | Authors |
PyLavPlayer | 1.0.0 | audio | Load with |
Yes (15 root level slash command and 4 text-only commands) | Yes (2, 1 for user and 1 for messages) | Draper |
PyLavConfigurator | 1.0.0 | plconfig | Load with |
No (1 text-only command) | No | Draper |
PyLavMigrator | 1.0.0 | plmigrator | Load with |
No (1 text-only command) | No | Draper |
PyLavNodes | 1.0.0 | plnodes | Load with |
No (1 text-only command) | No | Draper |
PyLavNotifier | 1.0.0 | plnotifier | Load with |
No (1 text-only command) | No | Draper |
PyLavPlaylists | 1.0.0 | plplaylists | Load with |
Yes (1 root level slash command) | No | Draper |
PyLavUtils | 1.0.0 | plutils | Load with |
No (1 text-only group command) | No | Draper |
PyLavLocalFiles | 1.0.0 | pllocal | Load with The local file folder is configured using the PyLavConfigurator Cog, this allows you to play a plethora local files assuming Lavalink supports both the file and codecs, a list of all fully and partially supported files can be seen here. |
Yes (1 root level slash command and 1 text-only command) | No | Draper |
PyLavEffects | 1.0.0 | pleffects | Load with Effects supported are Channel Mix, Distortion, Karaoke, LowPass, Rotation, Timescale, Tremolo, Vibrato and Equalizer using these effects in conjunction, allows you to achieve some really cool effects such as Nightcore and Vaporwave. |
Yes (1 root level slash command and 1 text-only command) | No | Draper |
PyLavManagedNode | 1.0.0 | plmanagednode | Load with This cog will allow you to enable/disable functionality of PyLav's managed node, the node can be disabled using the PyLavConfigurator Cog |
No (1 text-only command) | No | Draper |
PyLavRadio | 1.0.0 | plradio | Load with This cog allows you to interact with 30,000+ radio stations. |
Yes (1 root level slash command) | No | Draper |
PyLavLyrics | 1.0.0 | pllyrics | Load with This cog allows you to search for and display track lyrics. |
No (1 text-only command) | No | Draper |
PyLavController | 1.0.0.rc1 | plcontroller | Load with This cog allows you to specify a channel where the bot will listen for messages to enqueue songs, and show a controller that can be interacted with. |
No (1 text-only command) | No | Draper |
- Cogs with version 1.0.0rc0 are considered finished and stable bar feature requests.
- Cogs under version 1.0.0 are considered under development and may change without notice.
Warning Make sure to follow PyLav Setup
If you already have a Red instance with PyLav setup then you can do the following
[p]load downloader
[p]repo add PyLav
[p]cog install PyLav audio
[p]load audio
You can help translating the project into your language here: