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This repo contains code for the analysis in Trump attacks them. COVID-19 threatens them. But immigrants keep the U.S. fed, a Center for Public Integrity story about the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on immigrant foodworkers who produce the vast majority of the U.S. food supply.

It was published on September 28, 2020 in partnership with Mother Jones.

Here's what's in this repo:

This R Makdown notebook contains code used to analyze the ethnic and nativity breakdown of front-line foodworkers, primarily at the public use microdata area (PUMA) and counties. The data sources used include Census Bureau 2018 five-year American Community Survey microdata collected by IPUMS at the University of Minnesota and COVID data from The New York Times.

This CSV file contains the county-to-PUMA crosswalk table from the Missouri Census Data Center

This CSV file contains PUMA-level data on the number, ethnicity and nativity of workers in front-line food production roles. The data comes from Census Bureau 2018 five-year American Community Survey microdata collected by IPUMS at the University of Minnesota.

This CSV file contains county-level data on the number, ethnicity and nativity of workers in front-line food production roles. The data comes from Census Bureau 2018 five-year American Community Survey microdata collected by IPUMS at the University of Minnesota.

This CSV file contains PUMA-level data on the number, ethnicity, nativity, industry and occupation of workers in front-line food production roles. The data comes from Census Bureau 2018 five-year American Community Survey microdata collected by IPUMS at the University of Minnesota.

This CSV file contains county-level data on the number, ethnicity, nativity, industry and occupation of workers in front-line food production roles. The data comes from Census Bureau 2018 five-year American Community Survey microdata collected by IPUMS at the University of Minnesota.

This CSV file contains state-level data on the number, ethnicity and nativity of workers in front-line food production roles. The data comes from Census Bureau 2018 five-year American Community Survey microdata collected by IPUMS at the University of Minnesota.

Data not in this repo:


This data extract can be created by navigating to IPUMS USA and selecting the 2018 five-year ACS sample with the following variables: STATEFIP, PUMA, US2018C_PUMA, US2018C_ST, PERWT, AGE, HISPAN, HISPAND, CITIZEN, EMPSTAT, EMPSTATD, OCC, IND, US2018C_INDP, US2018C_OCCP, and the following cases: AGE >= 16 and EMPSTATD = At work; Has job, not working.


This shapefile can be found here.


This shapefile can be found here.


For questions about the contents of this repo, email Joe Yerardi at [email protected].