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Saurabh Totey edited this page Jan 5, 2018 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the d2d Wiki!

d2d is a graphics library built from DerelictSDL2. It translates the LibSDL2 functions from C structs, pointers, strings, and functions to idiomatic D classes and methods. Additionally, d2d provides baseline architecture for more easily handling events and initializing windows.

A Note on Dynamic Linking

LibSDL2 binaries are required alongside the generated executable to run a d2d application. This is known as dynamic linking (static linking is compiling the binaries into the executable). As Derelict SDL2 assumes dynamic linking of the LibSDL2 libraries, and dynamic linking is the preferred way of shipping out games, d2d only supports dynamic linking. If multiple libraries use LibSDL2, they can all use the same DLLs instead of each compiling in their own: this keeps binary sizes down and avoids unnecessary duplication of the same library.