Explore movies with real-time search and a comprehensive list of all movies ever shown, integrated with the OMDB API.
- Real-Time Search: Perform instant searches for movies without page reloads, integrated with the OMDB API.
- Complete Movie List: Access a comprehensive list of all movies ever shown, updated via the OMDB API.
- Responsive Design: Ensures optimal viewing on various devices, built with the Bootstrap framework.
- Bootstrap Integration: Utilized for creating a sleek navbar, movie list, footer, and overall layout.
- AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
- OMDB API (Open Movie Database API)
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Bootstrap Framework
To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple steps.
- Modern web browser
- Text editor or IDE of your choice
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/projectravel/movielistapi.git
- Open
in your browser.
- Enter a movie title into the search box.
- Results will dynamically appear below, fetched from the OMDB API.
- Browse through the complete list of all movies, updated and fetched from the OMDB API.
Contributions are welcome! Fork the project, create a branch, commit your changes, and open a pull request.
ProjectRavel - [email protected]