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Android project that serves as a base for code challenges implemented by applicants. The base is written in kotlin.

Android Coding Challenges

Coding challenges are useful when the applicant does not provide a github repository or any work samples. Even if a github repository has been provided it is generally a good idea to give the applicant a task to solve and have him present his solution in a separate session.

General Instructions

The following instructions/conditions are valid independently of the actual coding challenge

  • The code base has been tested with Android Studio 3.4.1 which is the recommended version, however feel free to try a higher version and adjust the configuration as needed
  • The task should be implemented in kotlin
  • Approach this task as if it was a real-world implementation - i.e. exactly how you would approach the task if you were working for a company
  • 3rd party libraries may be used
  • 3rd party libraries must be wrapped: They should be abstracted out, so any other library could be plugged into the solution
  • The base project for this task will be provided by us
  • Once completed, please send us your solution and presents it to us, followed by a discussion about the implementation and design decisions made
  • The solution can be sent as a zip file or as a publicly accessible github/gitlub etc project link
  • The solution sent to us must be complete, i.e. can be opened directly via Android Studio without additional configuration

Feature Discovery

In this challenge the applicant has to implement feature discovery, the following conditions are given:

The official design guidelines for implementing Feature Discovery can be found here:

  • The solution must be reusable, i.e. no hard-coding
  • Pick the appropriate storage type to save the information on whether a Feature Discovery has already been shown
  • Each Feature discovery should only be shown once
  • If a Feature Discovery has been shown is not persisted beyond re-installation of the application (or clearing the data/cache)
  • Implement the showing of the Following Feature Discovery sequences (played one after the other):
  • Memo List - the first time the user opens this screen, below Feature Discoveries are shown
  • Option menu item: Show All (Title: "Filter View" Description: "Click here to switch between showing all and showing open memos")
  • FAB to create a new memo (Title: "Create new memos" Description: "Click here to create a new memo")
  • Memo creation screen - the first time the user opens this screen, below Feature Discoveries are shown
  • Option menu item: Save (Title: "Saving" Description: "Click here to save the memo")

Voice Recognition

In this challenge the applicant has to implement voice recognition support, the following conditions are given:

  • Implement voice recognition for the following two actions: -- Create a new Memo > should open the "Create Memo" Activity -- Switch the filter on the Homescreen to toggle between "Show All" and "Show Open" > toggling the filter should immediately update the UI accordingly
  • Voice recognition should be implemented in a reusable way, i.e. with proper abstraction layers and the possibility to add further voice actions later on
  • For now supporting English-language commands is sufficient

Location Based Notifications

In this challenge the applicant has to implement location-based notifications/reminders, the following conditions are given:

  • When creating a new memo, the user provides a location by selecting a point on a map (for instance: google maps or open street maps)
  • The memo is then saved
  • Once the user physically reaches that location, a notification should be displayed in the phone's status bar, that contains the title and the first 140 characters of the note text
  • "Reaching the location" is defined as follows: The user is within 200 meters of the location he initially selected during the memo creation
  • The notification should also contain an icon (the icon choice is up to you)
  • Some form of location tracking will be required to achieve the desired result, i.e. to know when a user is close to the given location of a memo
  • The feature must also work, when the app is running in the background (or possibly not running at all)


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