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This repo consists working prototype for Changed Block Tracking capability in Kubernetes as per the KEP: kubernetes/enhancements#4082

The detailed design is being discussed here:



  1. external-snapshot-metadata

    • Sidecar to the vendor provided SP snapshot session service
    • Authenticate the K8s client with the TokenReview API
    • Authorize the K8s client with the SubjectAccessReview API
    • Translates args and proxies RPC to SP service over unix socket
  2. sample-csi-cbt-service

    • Sample vendor provided SP snapshot service which implements CSI GetDelta rpc to compute Change Block Data
    • Listens requests over unix socket


Host path CSI driver

In this prototype, we are using csi-driver-host-path driver as a sample driver. The deploy script has been cloned and refactored to change the default namespace in which csi driver gets deployed

  1. Create namespace

    $ kubectl create namespace csi-driver
  2. Deploy hostpath csi driver

    $ ./deploy/
  3. Create hostpath StorageClass and VolumeSnapshotClass

    $ kubectl create -f deploy/test/csi-storageclass.yaml
  4. (optional) Create test pvc and snapshots

    $ kubectl create namespace database
    $ kubectl create -f deploy/test/csi-pvc-block.yaml -n database

    Create at least 2 snapshots

    $ kubectl create -f deploy/test/csi-snapshot.yaml -n database created
    $ kubectl create -f deploy/test/csi-snapshot.yaml -n database created

external-snapshot-metadata service and sample-csi-cbt-service

external-snapshot-metadata service and sample-csi-cbt-service are deployed as a sidecars to each other in the single pod

  1. Provision TLS Certs

    $ cd deploy/external-snapshot-metadata/cert/
    $ ./
  2. Add TLS certs to deployment manifests

    Go to project root directory and execute the following commands

    $ kubectl create secret tls ext-snap-metadata-certs --namespace=csi-driver --cert=deploy/external-snapshot-metadata/cert/server-cert.pem --key=deploy/external-snapshot-metadata/cert/server-key.pem 
  3. Create CRD

    $ kubectl create -f external-snapshot-metadata/deploy/crd
  4. Deploy external-snapshot-metadata service

    $ kubectl create -f deploy/external-snapshot-metadata/ext-snap-metadata-svc.yaml -n csi-driver
  5. Create SnapshotMetadataService resource

    Enacode CA Cert

    $ base64 -i ./deploy/external-snapshot-metadata/cert/ca-cert.pem

    Copy the output and replace GENERATED_CA_CERT from deploy/external-snapshot-metadata/snapshotmetadataservice.yaml

    Create SnapshotMetadataService resources in csi-driver namespace

    $ kubectl create -f deploy/external-snapshot-metadata/snapshotmetadataservice.yaml

Test with sample client

  1. Deploy client RBAC and Pod

    $ kubectl create namespace cbt-client
    $ kubectl create -f  deploy/external-snapshot-metadata/client/client.yaml
  2. Run grpc-client

    # Find the cbt-client pod name and replace CBT_CLIENT_POD_NAME in the following command with actual pod name
    $ kubectl get pods -n cbt-client
    NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cbt-client-d854dbbf-88rdd   1/1     Running   0          69m
    $ kubectl exec -n cbt-client cbt-client-d854dbbf-88rdd -- /grpc-client -h
    Usage of /grpc-client:
    -base string
            base volume snapshot name
    -client-namespace string
            client namespace (default "default")
    -kubeconfig string
            Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
    -namespace string
            snapshot namespace (default "default")
    -service-account string
            client service account (default "default")
    -target string
            target volume snapshot name

    Sample output

    $ kubectl exec -n cbt-client cbt-client-d854dbbf-88rdd -- /grpc-client -base snapshot-csi-pvc-lppqh -target snapshot-csi-pvc-s2pmn -namespace database -client-namespace cbt-client -service-account cbt-client
    ## Discovering SnapshotMetadataService for the driver and creating SA Token 
    2023/08/08 14:02:37 Finding driver name for the snapshots
    2023/08/08 14:02:37 Search SnapshotMetadataService object for driver:
    2023/08/08 14:02:37 Found SnapshotMetadataService object csi-hostpath-xw2s8 for driver:
    2023/08/08 14:02:37 Creating SA Token using TokenRequest resource
    ## Making gRPC Call on external-snapshot-metadata.csi-driver:6443 endpoint to Get Changed Blocks Metadata...
    2023/08/08 14:02:37 TokenRequest Response:: {
    "metadata": {
        "name": "cbt-client",
        "namespace": "cbt-client",
        "creationTimestamp": "2023-08-08T14:02:37Z",
    "spec": {
        "audiences": [
        "expirationSeconds": 600,
        "boundObjectRef": null
    "status": {
        "token": "XXXXXXXXXX",
        "expirationTimestamp": "2023-08-08T14:12:37Z"
    Resp received:
    2023/08/08 14:02:37 finished


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