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National Grey Literature Collection

This repo consists of Python scripts to scrape data from The National Grey Literature Collection. The URL of the site is

All the scripts in this repo are available on GitHub.

The main scripts all have help for the command line arguments. To see the help, run:

python <script name> --help


The purpose of this project was originally to scrape data from The Collection on the National Grey Literature Collection website.

After that was achieved, I found that the 18,000 records in The Collection referenced only about 50 documents. The expectation was that this should have been closer to 10,000 documents.

On further investigation, I found that there are documents (eg PDF, Word, and Excel files) on the web site. These are referenced in the following ways:

  1. The chronological archive pages.
  2. The category search on various pages (via the Select Category dropdown box).
  3. The region pages (hover over The Collection menu item).
  4. The downloads page.

After Scraping these four sources and analysing the data, I found that the archive and downloads pages, between them, referenced about 13,000 documents. The category and region links were a subset of the archive/download documents.

If you are interested in just the output, it is all available in the output folder on this repo. See section Downloading documents below if you want to download the referenced files.


The output folder contains a zip file of all the data scraped: collection data, archive data, category data, region data, and downloads data. Note: these files contain the data scraped off the website not the files they refer to. A further step is required to download the files, which is described below in the Downloading documents section.

The key files are The Collection data, the archive data, and the downloads data.

The archive, region, and downloads data are provided in their own ZIP file. Each ZIP file contains the scraped data in CSV format (tab separated) and the URLs of the documents referenced. The URL files can be used to download the documents. The command to download referenced documents is provided below in the Downloading documents section. There are about 13,000 files to download in total.

Analysis of downloadable files

On analysis, the documents found via the archive links and the category links are the same once the category CSV file is de-duplicated. There are about 75 document references in the region data that are not in the archive data. However, on downloading the region documents, no new files were downloaded. So this may be reconciliation issue. The archive data and downloads data overlap.

My assumption is that The Collection index maps to the downloadable documents. There are about 18,000 collection items and 13,000 downloadable documents. Work is required to link The Collection index to the downloadable documents.

Downloading documents

There are two ways to download documents.

Option 1: using wget

The output folder contains the latest scraped data. For archive, region and downloads data, the output folder contains a zip file. The ZIP file contains a CSV file and a URL file. The URL list was extracted from the CSV file using the cut command, eg,

cat archive-20230917.csv | cut -f4 -d$'\t' >urls.txt

With the URL file, you can use the wget command to download the documents. The following commands will download all referenced documents:

wget -N -x -i archive-urls.txt --directory-prefix=downloads -a wget-output-archive.log --show-progress
wget -N -x -i downloads-urls.txt --directory-prefix=downloads -a wget-output-downloads.log --show-progress

Change the filenames to the latest filenames in the output folder.

The above wget command will recreate the directory structure in the URL (-x) in the downloads directory. wget output will be appended to wget-output*.log. Use -o to overwrite the log file. The -N option will download files only if they don't exist locally or are newer than your local copy. This lets you re-run the command without having to edit the URL files or to download files you've already downloaded.

This download method is faster than Option 2 below.

Option 2: using built-in --download

For, you can use the --download option.

python --method archive --csv archive.csv --download

If you specify --download, the script will download documents into folder downloads. If the folder doesn't exist, it will be be created. In downloads, the directory structure of the URL will be created. The script uses the wget command to download files using similar options to the wget command in Option 1 above.

This option is slower than Option 1 because URLs have to be first looked up and resolved since most of the raw URLs scraped are redirected. Option 1 uses the redirected URLs, which speeds up the process.

Do not download documents for the --method category option. There are about 96,000 documents! Most of them are duplicates. They won't be re-downloaded but all the documents are available via the --method archive option. However, Option 1 is faster because the URL redirections are resolved.

There is no --download option for Therefore, use Option 1.


The code was tested using Python 3.11 on Linux Mint 21.2. However, it should work on any operating system supporting a recent version of Python 3.

To install the required packages, use pip to run:

pip install -r requirements.txt 

If you want to scrape documents URLS referenced by categories or the downloads, you'll need to install the Chrome browser and the chrome driver from here and edit and to set the path of chrome and chromedriver. By default, uses the pre-scraped category-urls.txt file since it's a lengthy process to scrape the category URLs.


The scripts output CSV files. The delimiter is a tab.

The following scripts are included in this repo:

This script scrapes data from the The Collection part of the website. This is the main part of the website and consists of about 18,000 records.

If downloads are referenced, the script attempts to download the documents. To do this, the script attempts to fix the broken links.

An example of running the script is:

python --start-page 1 --end-page 5 --items-per-page 10 --csv output1.csv

During testing, I ran the script twice at the same time (in two consoles). One collected pages 1-100 and the other pages 101 to the end. These were the commands used:

python --start-page 1 --end-page 100 --items-per-page 100 --csv output1.csv
python --start-page 101 --end-page 0 --items-per-page 100 --csv output2.csv

After that, the two files were merged using

cat output1.csv output2.csv > output.csv

in Linux.

When --end-page is 0, the script will go to the end of the collection.

Collecting all the indexed data with two scripts running at the same time (as above) takes about three hours.

If you want to check a page is being scraped correctly, you can run:

python --url <url of page>

such as:

python --url ''

This script scrapes data from the archive, category and region pages, which all have links to downloadable documents, most of which are PDF files. These cover three of the four routes to these documents, which all point to the same files. (For more information, see the section below Analysis of downloadable files.)

A fourth route to the downloads page is described in the section on below.

The links on the website to the documents are:

  1. Archive, eg the Archives section on the left side of this page.
  2. Region data: viewed from the links that appear when you hover the mouse over The Collection top level menu.
  3. Category data: viewed from The Collection the page where, on the right hand side, is a drop down menu for selecting a category.

Note, however, that all the documents are available via the archive method. Therefore you never need to run the script using the category or region options. You don't have to run the archive option unless in the unlikely situation that it is updated. The output of the archive option is provided in the output folder.

If you do want to see the output of these options, here are some examples of collecting data using these three methods:

python --method archive --csv archive.csv
python --method region --csv region.csv
python --method category --csv category.csv

When running with --method category, the script uses the pre-fetched list of category URLs in category-urls.txt. You can recreate the list by either renaming category-urls.txt or uncommenting the first line below and commenting out the second line in

#  urls = category_urls(CATEGORY_URL, CATEGORY_URL_FILENAME, True )

In the most recent version of, the URLs are looked up (following URL redirects) and resolved so that the final URL is shown in the output, which includes the full file name. This makes running the script slow.

This script gets the URLS for each category. It uses the selenium library to get the pages. I couldn't work out how to use the beautifulsoup library (used by most of the code) to submit a form that is submitted in a change event of the select control. It may not be possible. The selenium library is designed to programmatically interact with web pages.

This script is called by the script. You don't need to call it directly.

This script "walks" the treeview on the downloads page. The treeview (similar to Windows Explorer file manager) is dynamically loaded using the selenium library. All file links are recursively scraped from the page. The "folder" and "subfolder" names are used to categorise the downloads.

To run the script, use:

python --csv downloads.csv

The CSV filename can be changed.

To download the files, use the wget command described in Option 1 above in the Downloading documents section.


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