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Tags: PowerShell/PSReadLine



Toggle v2.3.5's commit message
[2.3.5] - 2024-04-02

This is a servicing release that excludes test components from SBOM generation.

- Add the release stage to the pipeline and exclude test folders from Component Governance (#3982)
- Change back to 'external_distribution' for nupkg signing (#3977)
- Migrate PSReadLine release build pipeline to OneBranch (#3975)
- Fix the null-reference exception when running `Debug-Job` on a thread job (#3957)
- Update build script to always include the `ProjectUri` info (#3821)

[2.3.5]: v2.3.4...v2.3.5


Toggle v2.4.0-beta0's commit message
[2.4.0-beta0] - 2024-03-01

- Fix the null-reference exception when running `Debug-Job` on a thread job (#3957)
- Add needed permission to the workflow (#3944, #3945, #3946)
- Fix copying text to system clipboard on Linux using xclip (#3937)
- Use the correct directory separator for tab completion based on the platform we are working with (#3935)
- Update the minimal PS version required to be 5.1 (#3936)
- Little code style cleanup for the `GetCompletions()` method (#3898)
- Stop trying to de-duplicate completion results (#3897)
- Windows keyboard layout handling: get the current layout from the parent terminal process (#3786) (Thanks @ForNeVeR!)
- Add "resolution no activity" label to the bot-close list (#3852)
- Fix a few VI key handlers to close edit group properly (#3845)
- Update the documentation issue template to point to the PowerShell-Doc repo (#3839, #3840, #3841)
- Handle large history file properly by reading lines in the streaming way (#3810)
- Update build script to always include the `ProjectUri` info (#3821)

[2.4.0-beta0]: v2.3.4...v2.4.0-beta0


Toggle v2.3.4's commit message
[2.3.4] - 2023-10-02

- Choose the inline prediction color based on the environment (#3808)
- Update the stable version of PSReadLine used in the auto triage messages (#3804)
- Update `Compliance_Job` to add a new variable group for APIScan (#3803)

[2.3.4]: v2.3.3...v2.3.4


Toggle v2.3.3's commit message
GA release of PSReadLine 2.3


Toggle v2.3.2-beta2's commit message
[2.3.2-beta2] - 2023-08-17

- Work around `InvalidOperationException` from Console API (#3755) (Thanks @jazzdelightsme!)
- Add the `TerminateOrphanedConsoleApps` option on Windows to kill orphaned console-attached process that may mess up reading from Console input (#3764) (Thanks @jazzdelightsme!)
- Fix bot to add `needs-triage` label to newly opened issue (#3772)
- Update `actions/checkout` used in GitHub action to v3 (#3773)
- Supports the text-object command `diw` in the VI edit mode (#2059) (Thanks @springcomp!)
- Fix `NullReferenceException` when processing event subscribers (#3781)
- Point to `F7History` in the comment of the `F7` key-binding sample (#3782)

[2.3.2-beta2]: v2.3.1-beta1...v2.3.2-beta2


Toggle v2.3.1-beta1's commit message
[2.3.1-beta1] - 2023-05-03

- Append reset VT sequence before rendering the ineline prediction (#3669)
- Support tooltip rendering in the prediction list view (#3667, #3671)
- Fix the broken doc link about `PowerShellGet` (#3657) (Thanks @vimode!)
- Add a sample for transforming Unicode code point to Unicode char by `Alt+x` (#3652)
- Avoid running `AddToHistoryHandler` on command lines loaded from history file (#3643)
- Force refreshing suggestion in the inline view when plugin is in use (#3644)
- Improve the sensitive history scrubbing to allow retrieving token from `az`, `gcloud`, and `kubectl` (#3641)
- Set the current location in `PredictionClient` when it's supported (#3639)
- Improve the default sensitive history scrubbing to allow safe property access (#3630)
- Make PSReadLine script hidden from debugger (#3629)

[2.3.1-beta1]: v2.3.0-beta0...v2.3.1-beta1


Toggle v2.3.0-beta0's commit message
Beta0 release of PSReadLine v2.3.0


Toggle v2.2.6's commit message
Servicing release of PSReadLine v2.2.6


Toggle v2.2.5's commit message
Servicing release of PSReadLine v2.2.5


Toggle v2.2.4-beta1's commit message
Beta1 release of PSReadLine v2.2.4