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This is a e-commerce product base website with advance funtionality like "Add to cart, modal, total sub total payment etc" this is build with the help of free code camp yt channel while learning React


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📗 Table of Contents

📖 Shopholic

This Project is for online shoping of the mobile product

Shopholic is a React-oriented project, This is a e-commerce product base website with advance funtionality like "Add to cart, modal, total sub total payment etc" this is build with the help of free code camp yt channel while learning React

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack

In this project I used many skills, tech and libraries

Dynamics And Logics
Frame Work

Key Features

Following features you should observe

  • You can add your product in cart
  • You can remove your product from cart
  • your total amount of product in cart
  • modal opening on taping cart button
  • Details page on tapping on respective product image

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🚀 Live Demo

This link will guide you to my project

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💻 Getting Started

For having local file and project you can fork this repo

And for making changes you you should follow prerequisites


To edit this project you need:

  • Node.js installed

  • A Terminal

  • A web browser

  • An IDE

  • suggested IDE

    • visual studio code
    • atom
    • visual code


Clone this repository to your desired folder:

  • And run npm i in root dir to install node modules
  • Then run npm start
  • All this makes our project open in the browser


Execute the following thing:

  • for selling and buying the products
  • check details of the product

Run tests

  • To run all test cases you need to run npm test in the root dir
  • Linters for files run in the root dir
    • npx eslint "**/*.{js,jsx} for JS or jsx linting
    • npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}"for CSS or SCSS linting
    • --fix flag for instant fixable fix


You can deploy this project using:

  • Fork our Repo and clone it or download zip and extract it
  • Edit some changes
  • Run npm run build to make our project production ready
  • deploy it using GitHub pages (gh-pages run npm i -D gh-pages )
  • also, you can use netlify to deploy it

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👥 Authors

👤 Adarsh Pathak

🔭 Future Features

Describe 1 - 3 features you will add to the project.

  • Payment Gateway
  • improve functionality
  • improve styling
  • Some more pages

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🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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⭐️ Show your support

If you like my Project give it a Star ✨🌟

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🙇 Acknowledgements

@john-smilga for great experince in react tutorial


ask questions to be here

  • Question_1 How to add a product to cart

    • Answer_1 there is few option to do that:
      • with cart button appearing on hovering the product
      • from details page after hitting the product image
  • Question_2 How to remove a product from cart

    • Answer_2 there is few option to do that:
      • with remove button with respective product in cart page
      • be decrementing the quantity to 0 in cart page
  • Question_3 How to clear cart

    • Answer_2 just tap on clear cart on cart page

    conform on modal for clear cart

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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This is a e-commerce product base website with advance funtionality like "Add to cart, modal, total sub total payment etc" this is build with the help of free code camp yt channel while learning React


