Hello there! My name is Edikan, also known as Victor or Pokah. I'm a passionate Front-End developer currently honing my skills at AltSchool Africa. I strongly believe that dreams do come true, but only if we're willing to put in the work!
I'm an enthusiastic learner and an aspiring developer, dedicated to continuous growth and improvement. I thrive on challenges and love exploring new technologies and tools in the ever-evolving field of web development.
I am currently Working On Developing a personal portfolio website to showcase my projects and skills. Building a responsive web application using Javascript, Typescript and React.js
I'm eager to collaborate on exciting projects and initiatives in the realm of web development. Whether it's coding, brainstorming ideas, or providing feedback, I'm ready to contribute and learn from others in the community.
I am Currently Learning Advanced JavaScript concepts and ES6 features. CSS preprocessors like Sass and Tailwind CSS for styling.
💬 Ask Me About Front-End development tools and frameworks. Best practices for building responsive and accessible web applications. Tips for getting started in web development.
📫 Feel free to reach out to me via email at [email protected] for any inquiries, collaboration opportunities, or assistance. I'm always happy to connect with fellow developers and enthusiasts!
Inspirational Quote As Audrey Hepburn once said, "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm Possible!'" Let's keep pushing boundaries, challenging ourselves, and making our dreams a reality.