NoteNow is a MacOS app, designed to allow you to quickly take temporary notes.
For example you could use it to:
- Take notes while on a call
- Pasting some text temporarily (to make sure you don't lose it by copying something else)
- Writing yourself a reminder for the near future while in the middle of something
- ... Or anything else an instant text field could be used for!
- Runs in the menu bar
- Global hotkey to open it
- Share the note using the MacOS share functionality
- Auto start on login
- UI tests (no need for unit tests as there are no "units" or logic to test)
- Design a real icon for the status bar
- Add option to display a badge (e.g. red circle) on the icon when there is a note, or perhaps manually toggled. Intended to solve the problem of "I gotta remember to deal with X soon but need to finish what I'm doing right now first"
- Improve prefs window (layout, "Done" button, window title)
- More options. Ideas:
- Always select all after opening
- Quick reminder (e.g. remind me in X minutes)
- Resize, or size toggles
- Word wrap toggle