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Ruby bindings for the Sydecar API


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This is a ruby gem for Sydecar API


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add sydecar

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install sydecar

Supported endpoints:

  1. Person: create, find, update, find_all, kyc
  2. Entity: create, find, update, find_all
  3. Profile: find, activate_spv, deactivate_spv, find_all, accreditation_qualification_opts
  4. Bank Account: create, find, update, find_all, delete
  5. Vendor: create, find, update, find_all
  6. Expense: create, find, update, find_all, delete, pay, cancel
  7. SPV: create, find, update, find_all, initiate_close, disburse_close, counter_sign_close, request_approval, request_bank_account, disbursements, adjust_disbursements, adjust_fund_deal_investments
  8. Subscription: create, funding_countries_list, find, update, delete, create_agreement_preview, create_virtual_bank_account, set_balance, sign, amend, send_ach_with_plaid, refund_ach_with_plaid, refund, find_all
  9. Document: find, delete, preview, sign, required_fields, sign_arbitrary, find_all, download, upload

Example usage:

  1. Create a Person:
body = {...} # put your data here
person = Sydecar::Person.create(body: body, idempotency_key: 'unique')
  1. Create an Entity:
entity_body = {...} # put your data here
entity = Sydecar::Entity.create(body: entity_body)
  1. Create an Entity Profile:
entity_profile_body = {...} # put your data here
entity_profile_body['person_id'] = person.body['id'] 
profile = Sydecar::Profile::Entity.create(body: entity_profile_body)
  1. Create Bank Account:
bank_account_body['profile_ids'] = [profile.body['id']]
bank = Sydecar::BankAccount.create(body: bank_account_body, idempotency_key: 'unique')
  1. Create SPV:
spv_body = {...}
spv_body['spv_lead_profile_id'] = profile.body['id']
spv = Sydecar::Spv.create(body: spv_body, idempotency_key: 'unique')
  1. Create a Vendor:
vendor_body = {...}
vendor = Sydecar::Vendor(body: vendor_body)
  1. Create Expense:
expense_body = {...}
expense_body['spv_id'] = spv.body['id']
expense_body['vendor_id'] = vendor.body['id']
expense = Sydecar::Expense.create(body: expense_body)
  1. Create a Subscription:
sub_body = {...}
sub_body['spv_id'] = spv.body['id']
sub_body['subscriptions'][0]['profile_id'] = profile.body['id']
subscription = Sydecar::Subscription.create(body: sub_body, idempotency_key: 'unique')
  1. Upload a Document:
doc_boby = {
  name: 'file_name', # Faraday expects here just name without extension
  profile_id: profile.body['id'], # it's possible to set only 1 id from the following list
  spv_id: spv.body['id'],
  subscription_id: subscription.body['id'],
  expense_id: expense.body['id']

doc = Sydecar::Document.upload(body: doc_body, idempotency_key: 'unique')


After checking out the repo, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

How to Publish Changes

  1. gem build sydecar.gemspec
  2. gem push sydecar-x.x.x.gem


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Ruby bindings for the Sydecar API







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