HyREAL: On Hybrid Learning and Reasoning for Explainable and Safe Navigation of Autonomous Cars in Interactive POMDP
The repo contains the code and benchmark CARLA-ICTS accompanying the master thesis, HyREAL: On Hybrid Learning and Reasoning for Explainable and Safe Navigation of Autonomous Cars in Interactive POMDP. The code is based on the repository: https://github.com/dikshant2210/Carla-CTS02
See here - https://carla.readthedocs.io/en/0.9.13/start_quickstart/ Important: The code is only compatible with CARLA version 0.9.13.
The required python packages can be install with:
conda create --name <envname> --file req.yaml
Alternatively, to build an environmemt from scratch, the code is mostly based on tensorflow, pytorch,
pandas, matplotlib and scipy.
Install a c++ compiler >=7.3.0, g++ is recommended, and make
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install make
Navigate to the following directories (in that order) and run
To train HyREAL-lite from scratch on the whole benchmark execute the following line,
python train_hyreal_a2c.py --server --cuda --port=<port> --config=<config>
The argument --server
specifies to use the carla config for the server,
while --cuda
specifies that the RL-agent is run on GPU. The carla port is configured
using --port
and the configuration for the RL-agent is passed via --config
To test HyREAL-lite for a specific scenario scenario
[01_int, 02_int, 03_int, 01_non_int, 02_non_int, 03_non_int]
, run the following command,
python eval_learner.py --server --port=<port> --test=scenario --agent=hyreal
In order to execute all scenarios at once use th following command,
python eval_learner.py --server --port=<port> --test=all --agent=hyreal
To train A2C-CADRL from scratch on the whole benchmark execute the following line,
python train_c2a.py --server --cuda --port=<port> --config=<config>
The argument --server
specifies to use the carla config for the server,
while --cuda
specifies that the RL-agent is run on GPU. The carla port is configured
using --port
and the configuration for the RL-agent is passed via --config
To test A2C-CADRL for a specific scenario scenario
[01_int, 02_int, 03_int, 01_non_int, 02_non_int, 03_non_int]
, run the following command,
python eval_learner.py --server --port=<port> --test=scenario --agent=a2c
In order to execute all scenarios at once use th following command,
python eval_learner.py --server --port=<port> --test=all --agent=a2c
To train NavSAC from scratch run,
python3 train_sac.py --server --cuda --port=<port> config=<config>
To test NavSAC for a specific scenario scenario
[01_int, 02_int, 03_int, 01_non_int, 02_non_int, 03_non_int]
, run the following command,
python eval_sac.py --server --port=<port> --test=scenario
In order to execute all scenarios at once use th following command,
python eval_sac.py --server --port=<port> --test=all
HyLEAP can be trained by running,
python train_hyleap.py --port=<port>
The parameters can be adjusted in hyleap/hybrid_visual.py
To test HyLEAP for a specific scenario scenario
[01_int, 02_int, 03_int, 01_non_int, 02_non_int, 03_non_int]
, run the following command,
python eval_hyleap.py --port=<port> --despot_port=<despot_port> --test=scenario
The argument --desport_port
specificies the port over which the RL-agent communicates with the planner.
To run the evaluation for all scenarios the following command can be used,
python eval_hyleap.py --port=<port> --despot_port=<despot_port> --test=all
For IS-DESPOT(*) no training is required. The evaluation for scenario
[01_int, 02_int, 03_int, 01_non_int, 02_non_int, 03_non_int]
can be run via
python eval_isdespot.py --server --port=<port> --despot_port=<despot_port> --test=scenario
python eval_isdespot_star.py --server --port=<port> --despot_port=<despot_port> --test=scenario
To run, the evaluation for all scenarios run:
python eval_isdespot.py --server --port=<port> --despot_port=<despot_port> --test=all
python eval_isdespot_star.py --server --port=<port> --despot_port=<despot_port> --test=all
In order to train P3VI it is required to first extract pedestrian paths from the simulation.
For this the script exctract_pp_data.py
can be used. It is advised to extract the interactive and
non-interactive scenarios seperately to reduce the runtime. E.g. the command,
python extract_pp_data.py --server --port=<port>
extracts the non-interactive scenarios and the command,
python extract_pp_data.py --server --port=<port> --int
extracts the interactive scenarios. Next, got to the directory P3VI
and adjust the paths in the file train.py
The path predictor can be trained with the command,
python train.py
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.