See the extensive documentation on the wiki for a step by step guide. The wiki is updated much more often than this readme file.
The launcher requires you to have both Steam and Arma correctly installed and will not work if it can't find them. That means that it will not work with cracked Arma versions. Do not ask me to help you with this.
First, make sure you have Python 2.7 installed (yes, work to porting to Python 3 is under way, feel free to reach out, to help with that).
Then install a virtualenv (preferably virtualenvwrapper) to contain all the dependencies in one place. The instructions below assume you've installed virtualenvwrapper.
Create the a Python 2.7 virtualenv once and install the requirements:
mkvirtualenv bulletproof -p c:\Python27\python.exe
workon bulletproof
cd YourLauncherDirectory
pip install -r requirements.txt
Remember to always select the bulletproof
virtualenv, before doing anything
else, after opening a command prompt. You do that by calling:
workon bulletproof
python src\
To run the Tests cd into the src dir and run,
for unit test
nosetests ../tests -a "!integration" --nocapture
for integration tests
nosetests ../tests -a "integration" --nocapture
Important: To run those tests under Linux or Cygwin, replace the double quotes (") with single quotes (').
To create a <launcher_name>.exe executable do the following:
Make sure the config\ file is populated. Copy and
modify its values otherwise.
Execute the file build.bat
(after selecting the virtualenv, as usual).
The script will first run tests and then create the executable if the tests
From the project root execute:
python <path/to/python>\Python27\Scripts\ launcher.spec
If necessary execute the following command to rebuild the spec file. A newly spec file will not work, see kivy packaging wiki:
pyinstaller --name <launcher name> --onefile src\
However, this should normally not be required as the spec file should already be present.