Application to protect your ass yourself when your VPN disconnects
Free & open source application to protect your privacy when your VPN disconnects. It blocks Internet access any others specified applications. It prevents unsecured connections after your VPN connection goes down. VPN Lifeguard will close down the specified applications and automatically reconnect your VPN. Then, reload applications when reconnecting the VPN.
- Blocking traffic (Torrent, P2P, Firefox...) in case of disconnection of the VPN
- Be sure to go through the VPN by delete the main route internet
- Automatically reconnect the VPN
- Reload applications when VPN reconnected
- No leakage to close applications when disconnecting
Very useful for browsing or go behind a P2P VPN without being exposed during disconnection issues.
VPN Lifeguard is guaranteed free of virus, report available here
- 2020.03: A newer version and more robust for Linux is here:
- 2019.07: A newer version written in VB.Net for Windows is here:
- 2023.02: Packaged as AppImage, indeed!
Portable version for Windows 7, 8, 10 (1 MB) :
Old previous VPN Lifeguard official website >>> LINK
Alternative solution : VPNDemon for Linux >>> LINK
Open source GNU/GPL - Copyright 2010 Philippe734