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SimpleOscBot is a free to use template for Discord Bots with OSC integration. Setting it up takes only a few minutes.


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SimpleOscBot is a free to use (as long as you give credit) template for Discord Bots with OSC integration. Setting it up takes only a few minutes.


This project is outdated, if you need me to update it, let me know and ill do it if demand is high enough

Join the discord here:

The bot comes with the following features:

  • Full Discord.NET (Slash commands, Interactions, etc)
  • Sending any OSC data in an easy way *(Thanks to CoreOSC)
  • An OSC Listener-framework that allows for easy listening on any port and custom handling
  • Logging functions for easy logging

The template comes with following examples:

  • A group of preconfigured slash commands to see how OSC control works
  • An OscListener that splits incoming traffic to multiple ports
  • An OscListener that shows the contents of incomming traffic

Known Issues:

  • Seems to have trouble handling bools, this can be fixed by using 0 and 1 instead, if you know how to fix it, please lmk


  1. Create your own discord bot at the Discord Developer Platform
  2. Invite the bot into a server
  3. Set up the project and install Discord.NET via NuGet
  4. Copy the bot token into the config file
  5. Copy the main Sever-ID into the config aswell
  6. You are done! Server should be able to be started.


The config file contains various useful and needed things for your bot to run

  • BotToken: The token of your bot (Available on the Discord Dev Portal)
  • GuildId: The main server of your bot, this is where commands will be loaded first
  • DefaultSendIp: The default IP for your bot to send OSC data to
  • DefaultSendPort: The default Port your bot sends OSC data to
  • EnabledLogs: Disables and enables different log levels in the Console window, by default everything is on, if the bot does a lot I recommend disabling "Log"
  • GlobalCommands: Makes commands load in any server the bot is in, should only be done once the bot is set up and its actually required, takes approx 30 minutes
  • Listeners: Information about all the listeners you want to start up at launch of the bot
    • Name: The identifier of the Listener in the logs
    • Port: The port the listener is listening on
    • Type: The exact type name of the listener class, this needs to be exact as it will crash otherwise (You really have to use the full name for it to work. Ex: SimpleOscBot.OSCControl.ListenerDebugExample)
    • Data: An array of data of any type (can be mixed) for the listener to use when starting up (Ex: Ports to send data to, addresses to listen to), you have to implement the parsing of those in the listener classes "AssignData" function (An example can be found in the listener examples)


using SimpleOscBot


The programm class handles the start of the bot, it starts all other services and publishes the slash command


This class handles everything in regard to Discords interaction system


This file reads the config file and provides access to variables that can quickly change via Config.Data

using SimpleOscBot.Services


This class handles all logging for both OSC and Discord


Logs data in multiple ways

//Logging using only a Discord LogMessage
Logger.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Verbose, "LogSource", "LogMessage"));

//Logging using a specified severity
Logger.Log("LogMessage", "LogSource", LogSeverity.Warning);

//Leaving out the severity makes it verbose
Logger.Log("LogMessage", "LogSource")


Log errors in multiple ways

//Using an error for logging
Logger.Error(exception, "ErrorSource");

//Without error
Logger.Error("ErrorType", "ErrorMessage", "ErrorSource", "ErrorStackTrace");

//The trace can be left out
Logger.Error("ErrorType", "ErrorMessage", "ErrorSource");

//Alternatively it can be handled like any log message
Logger.Error("ErrorMessage", "ErrorSource");

Logger "Shortcuts"

These function basically as proxies for calling Logger.Log with different severities

//Logging Info (Dark Gray)
Logger.Info("LogInfo", "InfoSource");

//Logging Warning (Yellow)
Logger.Warning("LogWarning", "WarnSource");

//Logging Debug (Dark Blue)
Logger.Debug("LogDebug", "DebugSource");


This class is a utility class for quickly creating embeds for Discord Messages


Creates a simple EmbedFieldBuilder to use when manually building an embed

//Creates a basic field
var field = Embeds.CreateField("Title", "Content");

//Creates the same field but inline
var field = Embeds.CreateField("Title", "Content", true);


Creates a basic info embed to use in a reply

//Creating the embed, color will be light gray
var info = Embeds.Info("Title", "Content");

//Using a different color
var info = Embeds.Info("Title", "Content", Color.Red);


Creates a special type of embed to tell the user something went wrong and automatically logs it

//Creates an error embed
var err = Embeds.Error("ErrorType", "ErrorMessage", "ErrorTrace");

//Trace is again optional
var err = Embeds.Error("ErrorType", "ErrorMessage");

//Using an error instead
var err = Embeds.Error(exception);

//Disable logging
var err = Embeds.Error("ErrorType", "ErrorMessage", "ErrorTrace", false);
var err = Embeds.Error(exception, false);

Error "Utility"

A few embeds to tell a user something went wrong that might come up more often

//A user has given invalid input
var invalidInput = Embeds.InvalidInput();

//A command has yielded no result
var noResult = Embeds.NoResult();

//A command has been run outside a server when it shouldnt have
var invalidGuild = Embeds.InvalidGuild();

//A database error has occured, unlike the others actually marked as error
var dbError = Embeds.DbFailure();

using SimpleOscBot.OSCControl


The main class to handle OSC related things


This starts all the the listeners using reflection and the config file, it can only be called once


Send OSC-Data to any IP with any Port, it returns a boolean value if sending was successful

//Sending a single string to /test/address on localhost:9000
var sent = OSC.SendCustom("/test/address", "", 9000, "test");

//Sending both an int and a float instead
var sent = OSC.SendCustom("/test/address", "", 9000, 1, 0.1f);

//To avoid confusion you can also pack it into an array
var data = new object[] { 1, 0.1f };
var sent = OSC.SendCustom("/test/address", "", 9000, data);


Behaves identically to SendCustom but uses the IP and Port listed as default in the config file

//Sending a single string to /test/address on localhost:9000
var sent = OSC.Send("/test/address", "test");

//Sending both an int and a float instead
var sent = OSC.Send("/test/address", 1, 0.1f);

//To avoid confusion you can also pack it into an array
var data = new object[] { 1, 0.1f };
var sent = OSC.Send("/test/address", data);


Splits an address into an array of strings for easier parsing

var address = "/test/address";
//Split into "test" and "address"
var split = OSC.SplitAddress(address);


Abstract class all listeners inherit from


The port the listener listens on, can only be set when starting it


The identifier of the listener, can only be set when starting it


Starts the listener with a name, port and data, can only be called once

//Creating the instance of a listener (using an example here)
//This should never really be done manually unless neccesary
var listener = new ListenerRelayExample();

//Data (in this case ports) for the listener
var ports = new List<object>() { 9000, 9020 };

//Starting the listener
listener.Start("ListenerName", "ListenerPort", ports);

virtual AssignData()

Optional override to parse the data sent with Start

private List<string> _strings = new();

//Overriding the function
protected override void AssignData(List<object> data)
	//Iterating through array
	foreach(var item in data)
		//Adding all strings to list of strings
		if (item.GetType() == typeof(string))
			var newString = (string)item;
			Logger.Info($"Added \"{newString}\" to list of strings in listener \"{Name}\"", Name);

abstract HandleData()

Function gets called whenever data is received by the listener

//Setting the function
protected override Task HandleData(string address, params object[] args)
	//Splitting address
	var splitAddress = OSC.SplitAddress(address);

	//Return if address is somehow empty or the address is not testing
	if (splitAddress.Length == 0 || splitAddress[0] != "testing") return Task.CompletedTask;

	//Gathering a list of all types
	var typeList = new List<string>();

	foreach(var arg in args)

	//Logging types
	Logger.Debug($"Data sent to \"{address}\" on port {Port}: {string.Join(", ", typeList)}", Name);
	return Task.CompletedTask;


An example for a listener that just logs the data sent to it


An example for a listener that takes data and sends it to multiple other points


SimpleOscBot is a free to use template for Discord Bots with OSC integration. Setting it up takes only a few minutes.






