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Variance-Reduced Gradient Estimation via Noise Reuse in Online Evolution Strategies

The code repository contains the code and experiments for the paper:

Variance-Reduced Gradient Estimation via Noise Reuse in Online Evolution Strategies

Unrolled computation graphs are prevalent throughout machine learning but present challenges to automatic differentiation (AD) gradient estimation methods when their loss functions exhibit extreme local sensitivtiy, discontinuity, or blackbox characteristics. In such scenarios, online evolution strategies methods are a more capable alternative, while being more parallelizable than vanilla evolution strategies (ES) by interleaving partial unrolls and gradient updates. In this work, we propose a general class of unbiased online evolution strategies methods. We analytically and empirically characterize the variance of this class of gradient estimators and identify the one with the least variance, which we term Noise-Reuse Evolution Strategies (NRES). Experimentally, we show NRES results in faster convergence than existing AD and ES methods in terms of wall-clock time and number of unroll steps across a variety of applications, including learning dynamical systems, meta-training learned optimizers, and reinforcement learning.


To have the correct dependencies, we suggest creating a conda virtual environment and installing the required packages by following the step-by-step installation instructions in For completeness, we also include the complete dependencies of our virtual environment in environment.yml. However, this specific set of dependencies might not directly work on your system+accelerator combination so we suggest first following the list of steps given in

Understanding the codebase structure

The entry point of our training code is in the file The command line flags to configure the training is defined using absl.flags in (general configuration of meta-training, gradient estimator, and eval) and in,, (application specific configuration). The meaning of each flag is given where the flag is defined.

For GPU based computation (Lorenz system and learned optimizer), we abstract the interface of the unrolled computation graph through an abc class src.task.dynamical_system.DynamicalSystemDecomposable that supports the initialization, unrolling, loss calculation, and unroll resetting (after reaching the end of the current episode after T unrolls) of a single trajectory.

To enable parallelization over multiple trajectories, we then provide a wrapper abstract class src.task_parallelization.truncated_step.TruncatedStep which can 1) initialize a vector of inner states (possibly step-unlocked) and 2) given a shared theta or a vector of theta's (one for each episode trajectory), unroll each inner state under the corresponding theta for one step and output a new vector of inner states. (Notice jax requires functional programming style so the class TruncatedStep doesn't keep the inner states as attributes.)

For the Mujoco reinforcement learning task, because the environment transition is computed over CPUs, we are unable to perform the jax.vmap parallelization over multiple indendent episodes in Jax. As a result, we provide a customized subclass implementation of TruncatedStep in src.task_parallelization.openai_gym_truncated_step.OpenAIGymTruncatedStep which manages multiple environments for init and unrolls.

To compute the gradients, we use the TruncatedStep object to create a gradient estimator (abstract class src.outer_trainers.gradient_learner.GradientEstimator). This estimator allows us to initialize stateful gradients estimators and use these estimators states to compute the gradient to be used in any meta-level first-order optimizer.

Reproducing the experiments

We provide the training commands to reproduce all the three experiment applications presented in the main paper.

To run the experiments on the Lorenz system parameter learning application, follow the commands (line by line for each gradient estimator) in the bash script scripts/dynamical_system_lorenz/

To run the experiments on meta-training learned optimizer, follow the commands in the bash script scripts/lopt/ and scripts/lopt/

To run the experiments for the reinforcement learning mujoco tasks, follow the commands (line by line) in the bash script scripts/rl/ and scripts/rl/

The theta trajectory and tensorboard event files will be saved at a log folder in ./runs and can be used to generate the plots in the paper. To visualize the learning progress, we use tensorboard. As an example, to visualize the loss progression for the learned optimizer task on fashion mnist, use the following command:

tensorboard --logdir ./runs/lopt/fashion_mnist8x8_usevalTrue_useaccFalse_tb128_vb128_MLP32-32-32_gelu_dropout0.0_singleseq88_T1000_MLPLOpt --load_fast=true

Metrics of interest

Objectives: For the Lorenz dynamical system learning and meta-training learned optimizers, the performance metric (the MSE generalization loss for Lorenz, meta-training loss for learned optimizer) is recorded under the tag test/unperturbed_meta_test_loss in tensorboard. For the Mujoco RL task, the reward progression is recorded under the tag test/unperturbed_test_reward in tensorboard.

Wall clock time: Because tensorboard logging is time stamped, we can retrieve the time information from the events files. Here we have taken care to not compute any evaluation during the training phase to ensure the timing measurements' correctness. For all the timed experiments, the evaluation is performed only after the training has finished using the flag --run_test_after_training.

Total number of unroll steps: We track this number under the tab total_env_steps in tensorboard. For the step-unlocked online gradient estimation methods, we have already accounted for the wasted unroll steps used to initialize the step-unlocked workers.

Number of sequential unroll steps: When calculating the number of sequential unroll steps, for each $\theta$-update iteration, the offline method FullES uses $T$ sequential steps, while the online ES methods (PES, TES, NRES) use $W$ steps. (This assumes all the workers run in parallel).

Comments, Questions, and Issues

Thanks a lot for your interest in our work! For questions and issues regarding the code, please file issues on github or email at [email protected].

Citing the work

  title={Variance-Reduced Gradient Estimation via Noise-Reuse in Online Evolution Strategies},
  author={Li, Oscar and Harrison, James and Sohl-Dickstein, Jascha and Smith, Virginia and Metz, Luke},
  booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},


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