I'm a passionate and self-taught MERN Stack Developer based in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. I have a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, and MongoDB. With a quick learning ability and strong problem-solving skills, I am always eager to take on new challenges and improve my expertise in web development.
🔭 Featured Projects
- Facebook Replica (05/2023 - Present): Developed a Facebook replica using the MERN stack, including user authentication, real-time data storage, post creation/browsing, commenting and liking, search functionality, and a clean, responsive UI with real-time updates.
- Twitter Replica (02/2023 - 03/2023): Created a Twitter replica from the ground up using React, React Router, and Firebase. Implemented user authentication, real-time data storage and retrieval, tweet posting and browsing, search functionality, messaging feature, and a clean and responsive user interface.
- Shopping Cart App: Built a responsive shopping cart application with React Router and Context API. It features search, sorting, and filtering functionality, and manages real-time updates to the shopping cart using the Context API, providing users with a seamless shopping experience across devices.
🌱 Education
- Centro Tecnico Hondureño Aleman: Professional Technical Baccalaureate in Electronics, 02/2020 - 11/2022
💻 Skills
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Typescript, Node.js, TailWind
- MongoDB, Express.js, Git, Firebase, Mongoose
- Jest, Npm
🌍 Languages
- English: Full Professional Proficiency
- Espanish: Native or Bilingual Proficiency
🚀 Interests
- Personal growth and self-improvement
- Weightlifting
- Web development and programming
- Learning new technologies
- Experimenting with new tools and techniques
Feel free to explore my GitHub Portfolio and my Personal Portfolio Website to discover more of my projects and contributions.
I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and passion to your team. Let's connect and discuss how I can contribute to your organization's success. You can reach me at [email protected] or +504 9778-4680.
Thank you for taking the time to review my profile. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Best regards, Orlando Umanzor