the first lesson 'Build a simple ruby on rails application' can be found on the simple_ROR_app branch the second lesson is on the social_features branch
- the course was written for rails 3.2 I had to move to rails 4 since I wanted this app to work moving forward and I knew I would have to learn rails 4 anyway
- used bootstrap v3 this caused me to have to upgrade the 'simple_form' gem to the latest version. SimpleForm was what really forced me to move to rails 4 as it's a requirement.
- Watch upgrading to rails 4: railscasts for instructions on upgrading a rails 3 app to rails 4. Note I'm not sure if this application actually needs all the gems moved out of rails 3. This is something I need to investigate.
- remember to add 'form-group' (or whatever the class is) for bootstrap 3 in simple_form. Until they create a new generator for bootstrap.
- Setup accessible (or protected) attributes for your model stackoverflow: Can't mass assign
- rails 4 has forced devise to handle parameters at the controller level. This wasn't neccessary when the treehouse videos were made. See stackoverflow: unpermitted parameters in devise And devise documentation: Strong Parameters
- the testing directories have changed in rails 4 see rails 4 changes
- Testing the profile name: the regular expression used to validate profile name needs '-' to be escaped. So we just have to deal with a warning for now.
- had to do steps outlined in upgrading rails 3 to 4 for heroku
- also needed to add 12factor gem so assets are served