In support of making theatre accessible to a broader audience we seek to build the worlds best, free, open/closed caption system. Theatres around the world are implementing open caption on proprietary expensive systems that don't give their audience the very best augmented experience.
This projects goal is simple : Provide a free GPLv3 based open caption software suite that utilizes industry standards. The project will use Ruby on Rails, Responsive Web Design, and Gems like the Chromecast gem to output to as many platforms as possible giving the consumer a choice of how they would like to view the captions.
An open source multilingual open caption project. Inspired by captioncast authored by Andrew Krug
####First time setup:
Run vagrant up
to create a development virtual machine and connect to it with vagrant ssh
Install required packages.
sudo yum install -y ruby ruby-devel rubygems redis libxml2-devel libxslt-devel sqlite3-devel openssl-devel @development
systemctl enable redis
systemctl start redis
Development files are mounted to the vm at /vagrant cd /vagrant
Install rails and run setup tasks.
gem install rails
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
rake treat:install
sudo iptables -F
sudo service iptables save
####Running in development mode:
Start the rails server rails s
In another terminal run: rake resque:work QUEUE='*'
Load the resque schedule: rake resque:setup_schedule
Finally run the resque task scheduler: rake resque:scheduler
A vagrant file is also provided in the project for use.
This project now supports running on Docker Containers. You'll find the "Dockerfile in the root of the project."
Docker image is published here for consumption: