productized Open source Decentralized Privacy Computing architecture for IoT
- Hangzhou
(UTC +08:00)
OpenDPC / lenOS
Forked from espressif/esp-idfThe purpose of this project is to build an Lightweight Edge Node Operating System for IoT device
OpenDPC / diFHE
Forked from openfheorg/openfhe-developmentThe purpose of this project is to build a Decentralized IoT Fully Homomorphic Encryption software Library that can be applied to diAPP, enOS and lenOS
OpenDPC / enOS
Forked from mfkiwl/tina-V833The purpose of this project is to build an Edge Node Operating System for IoT device
The purpose of this project is to build a searchable encryption database compatible with HIVE interface for Decentralized IoT device
The purpose of this project is to build a software Library that can be applied to diAPP, enOS and lenOS, including a variety of Searchable Encryption algorithms