Set of plugins, snippets and templates to transform PyCharm in a perfect tool for OpenERP/Odoo developers
Search information on Twitter with tag #PyCharmOdoo:
- Clone the repo
- Open PyCharm
- Go to File -> Import Settings... and load the file snippets.jar from cloned path
Go to File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code Style -> Live Templates and read snippets list in group Odoo Code, Odoo View, OpenERP Code and ErpPeek
Complete List:
- pdb
- bool openerp
- binary openerp
- browse openerp
- char openerp
- class openerp 7
- class openerp 6
- class inherit openerp 6
- class inherit openerp 7
- create openerp
- date openerp
- datetime openerp
- pool
- float openerp
- import openerp 6
- import openerp 7
- int openerp
- m2m openerp
- m2o openerp
- o2m openerp
- raise openerp 6
- raise openerp 7
- search openerp
- selection openerp
- columns openerp
- @api odoo
- binary odoo
- char odoo
- class odoo
- class_in odoo
- compute odoo
- date odoo
- datetime odoo
- def
- float odoo
- import odoo
- int odoo
- m2m odoo
- m2o odoo
- o2m odoo
- raise odoo
- selection odoo
- text odoo
- html odoo
- ref odoo
- env odoo
- search odoo
- create odoo
- browse odoo
- bool odoo
- create definition odoo
- write definition odoo
- on_change odoo
- dp odoo
- name_search odoo
- name_get odoo
- warning import odoo
- unlink definition odoo
- default date odoo
- action
- attribute
- button
- chatter
- field
- filter
- form
- groupby
- inherit
- label
- menuitem
- notebook
- odoo
- page
- report
- statusbar
- tree
- widget
- xml
- xpart
- client erppeek
- search erppeek
- count erppeek
In python or XML file write the snippet and press tab button to insert the complete code
- Clone the repo
- Open PyCharm
- Go to File -> Import Settings... and load the file file_template.jar from cloned path
Go to menu File -> New and select the right template. Insert your informations.
File Name:
It must be "\_\_openerp\_\_"
Not required.
OpenERP/Odoo version. It must be 6, 7, 8 or 9
Not required.
Module category
Example: Sale
Not required
Author website
Not required
List of depends (other odoo modules) separated by comma
Example: sale,account,mrp,stock