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Releases: OlivierGaland/CashFactory

CashFactory v1.9

26 Nov 05:28
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Added application EarnFm in the stack (proposed by a contributor and evaluated for 10 day before add)
This application need to register, add a new environment variable EARNFM_APIKEY in .env to retrieve in the dashboard->more section.
Note this one also use tool watchtower as Packetstream, so to allow several instance I had to modify Packetstream section in docker-compose, if upgrading follow carefully the section below ;

Upgrade notification :

  • Copy the docker-compose.yml to your repository, if you want to add the changes without erasing it : do not only copy the earnfm section, you also need to copy packetstream section as it need changes. (see the file difference in doubt)
  • Copy the .env file (ou add manually the earnfm env variable)
  • Copy the index.html if you want to have the earnfm dashboard link
  • From portainer : delete (not stop) the 2 containers of packetstream (packetstream_watchtower AND packetstream_client)
  • From shell : sudo docker-compose up -d : this will restart packetstream with correct parameters and build/start earnfm

CashFactory v1.8

06 Nov 18:19
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Proxyrack changed his policy, you need to change code and regenrate container. Basically there is no more API_KEY but a UUID to provide, UUID is a random number defining your host (see .env for an example command to generate it), once the container is started, wait 5 minutes, then add device (name,uuid) in proxyrack dashboard (dashboard -> device -> add device)

Upgrade notification :

Copy the docker-compose.yml and .env section of proxyrack from the repository into yours
Portainer : delete proxyrack container AND image
Shell : sudo docker-compose up -d : this will rebuild download/rebuild proxyrack container and run it without disturbing others apps

CashFactory v1.7

03 Nov 18:28
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  • Fixed peer2profit docker issue
  • Removed spider income from stack (scam)

Upgrade notification :

Copy the docker-compose.yml and index.html from the repository into yours
Portainer : delete peer2profit container
Shell : sudo docker-compose up -d : this will rebuild peer2profit container and run it without disturbing others apps

CashFactory v1.6

13 Sep 01:03
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Traffmonetizer changed cli to v2 : docker-compose updated accordingly

Upgrade notification :

Copy the docker-compose.yml from the repository
Portainer : delete traffmonetizer container, then delete traffmonetizer image
Shell : sudo docker-compose up -d : this will rebuild traffmonetizer container with the new command line without disturbing others apps

CashFactory v1.5

19 Jul 00:30
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Peer2Profit docker container is no more available at peer2profit/peer2profit , changed directory to lyenliang/peer2profit.

Upgrade notification : /!\ You do not need to upgrade unless the peer2profit image is deleted on your computer.

  • Copy the docker-compose.yml from the repository
  • Start the altered containers : sudo docker-compose up -d

CashFactory v1.4

29 Apr 22:52
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Proxyrack is now available on docker : now integrated in the stack
Proxylite app added : Actually evaluating it ... It is a russian app that seems to have almost no traffic in my home (very little revenue), but according to your location it may give revenues.

Upgrade notification (if you don't want to pull all package):

  • Copy the proxyrack and/or proxylite section of docker-compose.yml in yours
  • Do the same for .env file (and fill the env variable accordingly with your user credentials)
  • Erase your www/index.html file with release one (if you want the shortcut to proxylite dashboard)
  • Start the containers added with : sudo docker-compose.yml up -d

CashFactory v1.3

16 Apr 02:38
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Added repocket policy change on docker : new version and use of RP_API_KEY variable (visible in repocket app dashboard) instead of old RP_PASSWORD

Upgrade notification (if you don't want to pull all package):

  1. Copy changed files in your installation path : docker-compose.yml and update .env to add RP_API_KEY inside (see .env contents)
  2. Remove your current repocket container (portainer - containers panel) and remove the repocket image (portainer - images panel)
  3. Launch the stack to rebuild image and repocket container : sudo docker-compose up -d

CashFactory v1.2

24 Oct 16:40
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Add repocket app : this app currently have a little revenue (around $0.02/day), added as it is new and may improve in the coming monthes.

Upgrade notification (if you don't want to pull all package):

  • copy changed files in your installation path : docker-compose.yml and www/index.html
  • alter your .env file to add repocket section : variables
  • launch the stack to add new container : sudo docker-compose up -d

CashFactory v1.1

09 Aug 22:49
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Added proxyrack on the tool (on web server).

  • Note proxyrack is not included in the stack (not dockerizable, windows executable only) so you will have to run it as external.
  • Expected revenues are around $4/month, I got my $5 payout with success after 5 weeks of sharing (on paypal).
  • Easiest way to add it is to register (no referal system existing) on their site, install proxyrack. For the stack dashboard just copy index.html in your Cashfactory dir and restart webserver container.

Note Spider income is now striken, I never got paid, and got no revenue from it, this may be a scam, but I'm not sure everyone using it face this problem, don't hesitate to give feedback, I will delete it if confirmed.

CashFactory v1.0

25 Jun 00:55
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2 Changes in this release :

  • Added Bitping tool : warning, low income (<$1) and payout only in BitcoinSV, be sure to create a data/bitping inside your Cashfactory directory to store configuration if you dont run (see readme for detailed instructions)
  • Earnapp migrated to Earnapp-lite : This may solve the -1 exit code experienced on some users. You must define in .env file the device id (in the form : "sdk-node-<32 char id [09az]>"), that static id will prevent the issue of id change if you delete the container image.

No need to upgrade if you don't want to use Bitping and your earnapp is working finely.