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server RESTful app developed using Spring framework

##Public API


  • Date and DateTime should be in format ISO 8601.
  • OrderStatus enumeration contains values : NEW/ACCEPTED/CANCELLED/DONE/WAITING/PROCESSING
  • UserType enumeration contains values : CUSTOMER/TAXI_DRIVER
  • CarType enumeration contains values : TRUCK/PASSENGER_CAR/MINIBUS

###User API

1. Register


RequestType: POST

Request body:

  "name": "String",
  "email" : "String",
  "password" : "String",
  "mobileNumbers" :[
  "userType" : "UserType",
  "car" : {
    "manufacturer" : "String",
    "model" : "String",
    "plateNumber" : "String",
    "seatsNumber" : "Integer",
    "carType" : "CarType"


  • If userType is TAXI_DRIVER, car object MUST contain all fields.
  • If userType is CUSTOMER, car/driverLicense object will be omitted even if it exists.

2. Recovery password (could be reviewed)


RequestType: PUT

Request body:

    "email" : "String",
    "password" : "String"

3. Get user profile


RequestType: GET


  "name": "String",
  "email" : "String",
  "mobileNumbers" : [{
     "mobileNumber": "String"
  "userType" : "UserType",
  "car" : {
    "manufacturer" : "String",
    "model" : "String",
    "plateNumber" : "String",
    "seatsNumber" : "Integer",
    "carType" : "CarType"

4. Update user profile


RequestType: PATCH

Request body:

  "name": "String",
  "mobileNumbers" : [{
     "mobileNumber": "String"
  "car" : {
    "manufacturer" : "String",
    "model" : "String",
    "plateNumber" : "String",
    "seatsNumber" : "Integer",
    "carType" : "CarType"


  • Car and driver license objects will be omitted if userType = CUSTOMER.
  • Fields can be omitted because of PATCH function usage
  • Exception will be thrown if 'email' field is present (you cannot update your login)
  • Exception will be thrown if 'userType' field is present (you cannot change yours role in system)
  • If you want to delete mobile number - add it id and set 'mobileNumber' to NULL
  • If you want to add mobile number - just set it id to null and fill mobileNumber field
  • If you want to update mobile number - just set it id and fill mobileNumber field
  • No guarantee that mobile numbers will be added in order they came in request

5. Login


RequestType: POST

Request body:


Response body:



  • notification token is optional field. If present - notification feature will be switched on.

6. Toggle notifications


RequestType : POST

Request body: absent


  • <boolean_value> - true/false;
  • if there's no notification token for user - no exception will be thrown;
  • if false - no notifications will be sent until switch on

7. Get notification toggle status


RequestType: GET

Response body: boolean

###Order API 1. Get all orders (by type)


orderStatus = "OrderStatus" + ALL

Request type: GET


    "orderId" : "Long",
    "startTime" : "DateTime",
    "startPoint" : "String",
    "endPoint" : "String",
    "price" : "Double",


  • Only a taxi driver is allowed to perform operation
  • use-coordinates is optional parameter, default value - false. If true, json structure will be the next:
    "orderId" : "Long",
    "startTime" : "DateTime",
    "startPointCoordinates" : {
        "longtitude": "Double",
        "latitude" : "Double"
    "endPointCoordinates" : {
        "longtitude": "Double",
        "latitude" : "Double"
    "price" : "Double",

2. Get order with specific id


Request type: GET


    "orderId" : "Long",
    "startTime" : "DateTime",
    "status" : "OrderStatus",
    "customerId": "Integer",
    "driverId" : "Integer",
    "distance": "Double",
    "price" : "Double",
    "additionalRequirements" : [{  
        "reqId" : "Integer",


  • taxiDriver can be empty or null if status is NEW.
  • If user is a customer, it must be the owner of the order.

3. Add order


Request type: POST

Request body:

  "startTime" : "DateTime",
  "comment" : "String",
  "additionalRequirements" : [{
    "reqId" : "Integer",
    "reqValueId" : "Integer"


  • Only customer can perform operation
  • if "startTime" is null - quick request. The date of request will be saved and returned by next get request

_4. Change order status _


Request type: PATCH

Request body:

  "orderStatus" : "OrderStatus"


  • Customer, that not an owner of the order, can't perform this operation.
  • Customer-owner of the order can only cancel the order.
  • Taxi driver can mark order as done only after accepting its servicing.
  • When customer is logged in, specified notification token and driver changes status - notification will be sent to order owner.
  • When driver is logged in, specified notification token and customer cancels order - notification will be send to driver.

5. Delete order


Request type: DELETE


  • Can be performed only by customer-owner.

6. Update order


Request type: PATCH

Request body:

  "startTime" : "DateTime",
    "additionalRequirements" : [{
      "reqId" : "Integer",
      "reqValueId" : "Integer"


  • if 'quickRequest' is true, 'startTime' will be omitted
  • 'orderPrice' can be omitted if there are no changes in additional requirements.
  • if there are some changes in additional requirements - add just changed ones.
  • 'routePoint' can be omitted if there are no changes in route.
  • to remove or change existed route point - add it's 'lat', 'long' and id.
  • to add route point to the end of list - omit 'routePointIndex'.
  • to add route point to the specific position - fill 'routePointIndex'.
  • to remove route point - add it's 'routePointId' and fill 'routePointIndex' to NULL.
  • to change route point position - specify its 'routePointIndex'.
  • if any route point was update - distance recalculation process will be triggered.
  • price recalculation will perform automatically.
  • all another params will be ignored.

7. Get order route info


Request type: POST

Request body:

    "reqId" : "Integer",
    "reqValueId" : "Integer"

Response body:



  • Can be performed only by customer.
  • Duration value format - ISO-8601

##Restore password


  1. /user/password
  • Type: POST
  • Request body:
  • Response body: id of password restore request - restore_id_request
  • Result: returned id request that will be used at next request and email message with secret_code
  1. /user/password/restore_id_request
  • Type: POST
  • Request body:


  • Change order status notification (for order owner):
  1. driver is waiting for customer:
  1. driver/customer changes status
  • Add order notification


Request validation error template:

  "field" : "String",
  "code"  : "String",
  "message" : "String"

Any other exception:

{"message" : "String"}


server RESTful app developed using Spring framework






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