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My tools and extensions for Unity engine, which I'm use in all my projects to speedup development.


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My tools and extensions for Unity Engine, which I'm use in all my projects to speedup development. It allows to reduce amount of code - by implementing frequently used functionality. Mainly there stored tools, which is not enough big or good to move them in their own repos.

This repo was exposed to public only just because I want to import it easily with Package Manager, but if you're interested, feel free to use it.

List of the main included features you can read below.


Tools can be found in the top menu, the button named Tools.

Setup Project Tool

Tool allows to atuo-generate project folders structure and quckly tune most frequently needed for me Editor and Project settings.

Level Design Tools

These tools also can be found in the top menu in Tools menu item.

Transform Randomize

Allows to randomize rotation, scale and position of the scene-selected transforms.


Contains some extensions for Transform, Color, Vectors, Random and other components. Some examples below.

Random extensions

Get random element from a list or array:

List<T> someList = new List<T>();

void Start() 
  var randomedT = someList.Random();

Randomize vector values:

Vector3 vec = RandomExtensions.GetRandomizedVector3(-5f, 5f);

Physics extensions

You can quickly find objects of specific type T in sphere:

PhysicsExtensions.GetObjectsOfTypeInSphere<T>(pos, radius);

// for 2d
PhysicsExtensions.GetObjectsOfTypeIn2DCircle<T>(pos, radius);


Allows to play audio directly from code without setting up AudioSources in prefabs.

Full initialization and usage example:

using InsaneOne.Core;
using UnityEngine;

public class TestAudio : MonoBehaviour
  [SerializeField] AudioClip clip;

  void Start()
    // Initializes Core Audio system

    // Configurations for 3D and 2D sounds.
    var data3DSound = new AudioGroupData()
      Is3D = true,
      MinDistance3D = 2f,
      MaxDistance3D = 60f,
      DopplerLevel = 0f
    var data2DSound = new AudioGroupData() { Is3D = false };

    // Setting up some different audio layers, both for 3d and 2d sounds. Audio layers is useful to limiting specific type sounds amount,
    // also audio layer stores audio settings, for example Min/Max distance or Audio Mixer Group (see code for more info).
    Audio.UpdateLayer(AudioLayer.Interaction, data3DSound);
    Audio.AddSourcesInLayer(AudioLayer.Interaction, 8);
    Audio.UpdateLayer(AudioLayer.Ambience, data3DSound);
    Audio.AddSourcesInLayer(AudioLayer.Ambience, 3);
    Audio.UpdateLayer(AudioLayer.UI, data2DSound);
    Audio.AddSourcesInLayer(AudioLayer.UI, 2);

  void Update()
    // Playing 3D audio (Interaction audio layer was setup as 3d earlier) in specified layer with 50% volume and 10% pitch randomization at transform position.
    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
      Audio.Play(AudioLayer.Interaction, clip, transform.position, 0.5f, 0.1f);

// Used just to make more readable code
public static class AudioLayer
  public const int Ambience = 10;
  public const int Interaction = 20;
  public const int UI = 100;


Extension for AudioClip. Allows to setup more sound settings in the inspector:

  • Sound variations
  • Volume
  • Pitch random
  • Loop toggle

Can be used with Audio system, described above. Main idea is to move sound setup from the prefab AudioSource settings to ScriptableObject or your own scripts.

[SerializeField] AudioData data;

// <...>
Audio.Play(AudioLayer.Interaction, data, transform.position);


Allows to mix several AudioSources, driven by some mix paramter. For example, changing sound by Engine RPM change.

using InsaneOne.Core;
using UnityEngine;

public class TestSoundMix : MonoBehaviour
  SoundMixer soundMixer;
  void Start()
      // setup audio system before below code runs (see prev example), if you want to use this system

      // getting audio from the Audio system of previous example. You can use AudioSources directly, if you dont need this system.
      Audio.TryGetFreeSource(AudioLayer.Interaction, out var sourceA);
      Audio.TryGetFreeSource(AudioLayer.Interaction, out var sourceB);

      // initialization of the sound mixer (you can pass any audio sources amount)
      soundMixer = new SoundMixer(sourceA, sourceB);

  void Update()
    // set any mix value from 0 to 1, and volume of specified sounds will be changed accordingly
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) 

    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2)) 
        soundMixer.UpdateMix(Random.Range(0f, 1f));

    // you also can tween your value and pass it to the UpdateMix method.


In the Project Manager window, in context menu now exist a new partition InsaneOne/Templates, which includes some ready code file templates, which are frequently used by me in gamedev. Possible, will be removed in future or reworked to smth better, actually not very useful.


I've added some new elements and templates for UI, which is missing in Unity default package. Now it still very simple, but I want to improve it in future.

Floating panel - allows to create floating in a 3d world (following some object) UI-panel with some info.

TabControl - classic tab control element.

PopupWindow - allows to create a popup window with any title, text and Apply/Cancel buttons with apply callback.

Fader - commonly used in a game projects. Fades screen alpha into some color. Requires DOTween.


Repo contains localization extension, which allows to read CSV-based localization and translate ingame texts for selected language.

// firstly, you need to run this in some game initialization code:

// use SetLanguage to change game lang:
Localization.SetLanguage("English"); // id of the lang

// Get any localized text:
var text = Localization.GetText("localeString");

Also, there exist useful component for localization without code - LocalizedTMPText. Add it to your text object and write localeId in its text field.

Localization uses StreamingAssets to contain a localization file - to allow modify it without game rebuild or allow modding of localization for players.


Some code architect ready-made things. Probably not the best ones :)


Context class allows you to semi-automatically provide some specific context data-class to any of your components.


class GameBootstrap : MonoBehaviour
  void Awake()
    var context = new YourContext(); // YourContext - it can be any your class with data, which should be shared.
    // setup here your context class with required data
    Context<YourContext>.Initialize(context); // will initialize all objects on scene, which have components, deriven from the ContextBehaviour<YourContext> by injecting your context.

In order to provide context to a new spawned objects, use Context.Spawn() instead of GameObject.Instantiate():

Context<YourContext>.Spawn(prefab, new Vector3(15, 0, 25)); // you can pass position, rotation and parent like in the original GameObject.Instantiate

Context access in your component:

class YourClass : ContextBehaviour<YourContext>
  void Start()
    Debug.Log(context.SomeVariable); // you can access any context variable now.

Note: You need to initialize Context in Awake before any other components. Use ScriptExecutionOrder for this.

Additional info: The Context class is implemented in this way to reduce the number of required actions on the developer's part. An alternative would be some kind of initialization of ContextBehaviour via Awake method of this abstract class, but I found it uneffective to override this method in your own classes every time.


Alternative to the Singleton.

// setup in the game initialization code:
ServiceLocator.Register(new SomeClass());

// ...

// usage in any other class:
var someClass = ServiceLocator.Get<SomeClass>();


This library contains some built-in components. You can check it in the Sources/Components folder.

In this partition can be found info about some of these components.


A lot of games have teams for game players and NPCs. There is implementation for this functionality.

Currently, team is int value.

How to use:

[SerializeField] GameObject enemy;

void Start()
  gameObject.SetTeam(0); // setting this object team
  enemy.SetTeam(1); // setting different team to the enemy object

void Update()
  var myTeam = gameObject.GetTeam(); // getting team of this object
  var enemyTeam = enemy.GetTeam(); // getting Enemy object team.

  if (myTeam != enemyTeam)
    DoAttack(enemy); // proceed some action if teams are different

Actually, this code works with custom TeamBehaviour component - adds it to any teamed objects, and stores actual object team in this component.

You can also create TeamsSettings asset, and setup, which teams will be enemies to others. To create it, click RMB in Project Window, and in the context menu select InsaneOne -> TeamsSettings.

After creation, drag'n'drop it to the field Teams Settings of the CoreData asset (which is created automatically).

To use your teams settings:

var isEnemies = gameObject.IsTeamEnemyTo(otherGameObject); // API can change


Pause Utility

Allows to pause game and use multiple pause affectors object. So, for example, two different objects wants to pause game. Next call of unpause will actually not unpause game until both affector objects call it.

using InsaneOne.Core.Utility;

class SomePauserObject : MonoBehaviour, IPauseAffector
  void SomeAction()

  void SomeOtherAction()


Deltatime-based timer to speedup any timer-based features creation.

Timer timer;

void Start() 
  timer = new Timer(5f);

void Update() 
  if (timer.IsReady())
    // do something


Allows to destroy a GameObject with attached component with the time delay.



Most of the projects use only one camera, which can be received by calling Camera.main. But in the old Unity versions it is not cached and can cause performance issues. This utility helps to solve this problem by caching the Main Camera.

var cam = MainCamera.Cached;


This repo contains some PBR shaders, mainly to allow load textures from one mask (Metal-Roughness-AO, etc).


MIT License


My tools and extensions for Unity engine, which I'm use in all my projects to speedup development.




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