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Go Code Generator

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Using json file and go template to generate go code.


go get -u
go install


gcg data.json


The json file must have these field:

name type
variable map[string]interface{} gloable variable
files []goFile the list of generated files

goFile struct like below:

name type
package string package name
import []string or [][]string import part of the file
output string the output filename
body []strut{template string, args []interface{}} or []struct{template []string, args []interface{}} the go file body

The template and args in body will be the arguments of go text/template

If the item of args is string, and match variable's key, it will be replaced to the value.


name args
lower string make all letters to their lower case
upper string make all letters to their upper case
upperFirstChar string make the first letter to its upper case, keep others
makeSlice []interface{} concat arguments as slice
makeMap []interface{} concat arguments as map
isInt interface{} judge argument is int
isString interface{} judge argument is string
isSlice interface{} judge argument is slice
isArray interface{} judge argument is array
isMap interface{} judge argument is map
isList interface{} judge argument is slice or array
isNumber interface{} judge argument is int or float
isFloat interface{} judge argument is float


See number compare package, you can delete compare.go and using gcg data.json or go generate g.go to re-generate it.


Apache License 2.0